7 Fitness Tips for Busy Moms In Nigeria

exercise for busy mums
exercise for busy mums

Providing some fitness advice for busy moms today. It can be exhausting for so many of us to balance job, family, and other responsibilities.

I wanted to compile a list of advice for my fellow busy moms for today’s post. It can be challenging for mothers to concentrate on their own self-care and fitness because they have to consider so many different things and balance a range of tasks during the week.

For all moms, maintaining a fit, healthy lifestyle is one of your most vital responsibilities. The fact is that everyone wants to be fit, but doing so is not simple, especially if you are a busy mom.

Check out these fitness suggestions for busy Nigerian moms if you’re looking for advice on how to lead a healthy family life.

exercise for busy mums

Fitness Tips for Busy Moms in Nigeria

Locate inspiration

Finding your motivation is the first step to becoming a fit Nigerian mom. Without motivation, it is impossible to hope to acquire fitness.

To juggle your busy schedule, hard tasks, and intimidating duties while still making time for your health, you need motivation. How do you get motivated? Decide why you want to become and remain fit. Do you want to live a healthier lifestyle and feel better?

A fantastic reason to stay in shape as a mom is for your family. Keeping your body in good physical shape may keep you healthy, prevent many diseases, and keep you looking attractive. You must be everything for your family.

You should be motivated to lose weight for this reason alone.

Make time and establish a schedule

Time management is a significant issue for many Nigerian mothers. There is rarely any time left for exercise, let alone time for oneself.

Finding the time to exercise is a challenge for many working mothers who have a full schedule.

The plain fact is that you will almost never find the time to exercise; instead, you must make time for it.

How can you fit fitness into your hectic motherhood schedule? Prioritize your time in the first place.

You might work out during the time you spend watching telenovelas, Zee World, and TV series. Make a daily schedule and remember to include exercise. Avoid procrastination and complete all of the day’s critical chores on time.

The next step is to establish a routine. All mothers understand the value of having a regular routine, and if you use the same strategy to improve your fitness, you’ll see results that are comparable.

Exercise will get ingrained in your daily routine and become easier to perform in the future.

Utilize the early hours

An additional helpful fitness suggestion for busy moms is to workout in the early morning hours.

Many busy moms find that working out in the early morning provides them the chance to exercise without being interrupted.

I advise you to exercise during those times, especially if your day is likely to be busy.

Early morning exercise gives you more energy throughout the day and improves your mental health.

But make sure you get enough sleep before working out in the morning.

Workout at home

Finding time to work out may not always be an option when you are juggling your employment, taking care of your children, making supper, changing diapers, and helping them with their homework.

You can work out in your home without needing a gym membership or to travel to a gym.

You can decide to design a specific fitness space in your home. If you do this, you can exercise whenever you like—late at night, early in the morning, even in between chores and other duties.

Try some easy workouts

Most mothers in Nigeria typically lament their lack of fitness knowledge.

To get fit, you don’t need to do difficult fitness programs; just start with the basic ones.

Simple exercises like walking, dancing, and skipping (jumping rope) can be quite effective.

Play sports with your kids

exercise with your kids

Exercise with their kids is a fantastic approach for busy moms in Nigeria to maintain their fitness.

Workout with your kids if you have any. By doing so, you may keep up your health while also getting to spend time with your kids.

You can ask your kids to join you while you workout or play a sport together.

Exercise with a fitness partner

Working out with a friend will undoubtedly help you accomplish more.
A fitness companion is someone who can exercise with you and understands your objectives.

A workout buddy can encourage and support you

Your exercise companion may be a close friend, coworker, or husband due to your busy schedule as a mother. If you exercise with someone, it will be entertaining and much more enjoyable.

Fitness Advice for Working Nigerian Mothers


Despite the difficulties of being a busy mother in Nigeria, you should prioritize your health.

You’ll succeed with no doubt if you follow these practical fitness advice for harried Nigerian mothers.

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