8 home treatments and methods to reduce sinus pressure

Neti pot

Sinus pressure can be treated with medication, but there are a number of home remedies that can help to alleviate symptoms and speed up recovery.

Mucous membrane is a form of skin that lines the sinuses. Mucus is produced by this membrane, which defends the body by catching dirt and other particles that could otherwise cause illness.

If a person has an allergic response or an infection, the lining of their sinuses can enlarge. Pressure may be felt around the nose, cheekbones, and above the eyes as a result of swelling. These facial parts may be uncomfortable or irritated.

Infections or allergies can cause sinus pressure that is painful. This symptom can be alleviated by blowing your nose.

Natural alternatives to over-the-counter sinus treatments are listed below.

Neti pot

Neti pot

Neti pots are used by some people to rinse out their noses, which helps to keep the mucous membrane wet and relieve sinus pressure. The device has the appearance of a tiny saucepan with a long spout.

The following are instructions for using a neti pot:

  • gently insert the spout into the highest nostril
  • breathe through the mouth
  • wash the hands
  • pour water into the nostril
  • fill the pot with sterile water
  • lean directly over a sink
  • tilt the head sideways

Pollen, bacteria, and other debris should be flushed out as water runs from one nostril to the other. This procedure should be repeated on both nostrils.

It is critical to utilise sterile or distilled water, which can be purchased from a pharmacy, rather than tap water. Alternatively, you can boil water and then let it cool.

Steam inhalation

Sinus pressure can be relieved by using steam to open the nasal passages.

At home, steam inhalation is simple. Boil water in a large bowl, then lean over so that your face is right above the water. Breathe through your nostrils while wearing a towel over your head.


Traditional Chinese medicine relies heavily on acupressure. It entails applying pressure to particular places on the body in order to ease pain or illness symptoms. Although scientists aren’t sure if acupressure works, it may help with some symptoms.

Colds, flu, and sinus disorders have traditionally been treated using acupressure. It can be performed at home or by a professional.

Avoid putting too much pressure on the area to avoid creating pain or discomfort.

Here’s how to relieve sinus strain using acupressure:

  • extend the thumbs and find the dips on either side of the spine
  • use the thumbs to massage the area in small circles
  • relax, breathing slowly and deeply
  • do this for 4 to 5 seconds at a time
  • link the fingers of both hands together, forming the shape of a cup
  • use the linked hands to cradle the back of the head, where the neck and skull join

Massage the cheeks and the bridge of the nose with your fingertips to assist release pressure. Firm but mild massage is recommended.

Saline nasal spray

A blocked nose can be cleared by inhaling saline solution.

Using sterilised water, salt, and baking soda, a saline solution can be easily prepared at home. Mix the following materials together:

  • 1/4 pint of clean water
  • 1/4 teaspoon (tsp) of salt
  • 1/4 tsp of baking soda

Sniff this into one nostril at a time through cupped palms.

Use a clean, dry spray bottle as an alternative. Spray the solution into a nostril by gently inserting the nozzle into the nostril. Repetition two to three times per day is recommended.


It is critical to keep the body hydrated while a person is sick.

Drink plenty of liquids to keep the mucous membranes in your sinuses wet. This aids in their normal functioning.

Tea and coffee can be substituted with water, fruit juices, or herbal teas.

Compression with a warm washcloth

Heat applied to the nasal area can also reduce pressure. Using a warm washcloth is one of the simplest ways to do this.

Wring out a clean washcloth after running it under hot water. Fold it in half and place it across your nasal bridge and cheeks for a few minutes.

The use of essential oils

Natural oils generated from plants are known as essential oils. To reduce sinus pressure, the American Sinus Institute recommends utilising essential oils.

Menthol gives the impression that your nasal passageways are opening up.

Inhale the steam gently via your nose after adding a few drops of the oil to boiling water.

Although menthol has some anaesthetic qualities, there is no scientific proof that it causes the nasal passages to open.

Essential oils, such as menthol, can be purchased online. However, people should only get these oils from reputable sources.

Rest and relax

A person with sinus pressure may find it difficult to concentrate on work or study. Taking a pause and getting plenty of rest might aid in the recovery of the body.


If the pressure is caused by an infection, such as sinusitis, it should go away in a few weeks.

Sinus pressure can come and go if it’s caused by an allergy. Sinus pressure can be avoided by taking antihistamines before coming into touch with an allergy, such as grass or pet fur.

The natural therapies listed above can aid in the relief of sinus congestion and pain. They can also aid in the recuperation process.

Home cures, on the other hand, may not always be effective. People should consult a doctor for advice and treatment if an infection does not go away after 2 to 3 weeks.


  • https://exploreim.ucla.edu/self-care/acupressure-point-gb20/
  • http://med-docs.creighton.edu/Departments/Family_Medicine/StudentPDFs/p1057.pdf
  • https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11882-003-0041-6
  • https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321322
  • https://www.americansinus.com/essential-oils-that-help-relieve-sinus-congestion/
  • https://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm316375.htm
  • http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1016/j.otohns.2004.05.026
  • https://academic.oup.com/chemse/article/37/6/509/361469