Blocked ear: Natural remedies to help earwax

Ear drops

Ears can get blocked for a variety of reasons, both outside and inside the ear. Ear clogs can impair hearing and balance, as well as cause pain and discomfort.

Almost anyone can develop clogged ears. Clogged ears are particularly common in children, especially after a cold or sinus infection. People are more likely to feel congested in their ears as a result of:

  • high altitudes
  • acoustic neuroma or benign growth inside the ear
  • earwax buildup
  • blocked Eustachian tube
  • sinus infections, colds, or allergies

When to consult your doctor

If home remedies fail or if blocked ears are followed by any of the following additional symptoms, people should contact a doctor:

  • loss of hearing
  • cannot be unclogged
  • fever
  • refusal to clear on own
  • pain in the ear

In rare circumstances, the congested sensation could be caused by an acoustic neuroma. This is a benign growth that can put pressure on the tubes of the ear and eventually seal them. If this is the cause of the obstruction, a doctor will most likely have to remove the growth through surgery.

Natural treatments

Earwax acts as a barrier between the ear’s entrance and the sensitive inner ear apparatus.

Foreign items are prevented from entering the ear by earwax. The glands that produce earwax might sometimes produce too much. The wax may grow hard as a result of the buildup.

As the wax accumulates, the tube becomes completely blocked.

The following are some symptoms of earwax buildup:

  • ringing in ears
  • dizziness
  • earache

1. Ear drops to loosen or soften earwax

Ear drops

The following are some natural people to soften earwax and allow it to safely exit the ear. These are frequently used to the ear as drops:

  • baby oil
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • glycerin
  • mineral oil
  • carbamide peroxide

There are drops specifically designed to remove excessive earwax on the market. Debrox is an over-the-counter (OTC) ear drop that can aid with excessive earwax buildup.

2. Irrigation of the ears

Another option that people can attempt at home is ear irrigation. It’s important to highlight that this should not be attempted at home on anyone who has had ear surgery or who has sustained an ear damage.

It is also critical that people follow all of the instructions on the OTC ear irrigation kit.

Avoid cotton swabs or tools

Cotton swabs should never be used to clean one’s ears. By pushing earwax deeper into the ear, cotton swabs can cause obstructions.

It is also not a good idea to try to dig the earwax out because this might cause injury.

Candling should be avoided

Candling is another approach, however it is not approved by scientists.

People do this operation by inserting a lit, hollow, cone-shaped candle into their ear.

The heat is believed to cause a suction effect, allowing the earwax to stick to the candle as it is taken out during candling.

However, this strategy does not work. People are more prone to burn their ear, perforate it, or cause the ear canal.

This procedure should never be used by anyone who has plugged ears.

Allergies and infections natural treatments

If someone has a clogged ear as a result of an allergy or infection, they are likely to have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • coughing
  • fever with infections
  • a runny nose
  • a sore throat
  • sneezing

A person should try to unclog their ear as quickly as feasible in these situations. When a person’s ear is blocked, they can have an ear infection, which requires additional treatment. Here are several at-home remedies to consider:

1. Make use of steam.

When an infection or allergies are the cause of an ear clog, steam can help. Because the sinuses link directly to the ears, this is the case.

To use steam, follow these steps:

  • heat up water in a pot until it boils
  • remove the pot from heat and place a towel over it and the head
  • take several deep breaths to inhale the steam

Alternatively, a person can take a hot shower, which produces a stream and has a similar effect.

2. Take into account mineral and essential oils

Antibiotic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory qualities are said to be present in several oils. A growing number of research are being carried out to examine essential oils.

The following essential oils are indicated for clearing mucous, reducing inflammation, or treating infections:

  • peppermint oil
  • eucalyptus oil
  • tea tree oil

These are frequently inhaled as steam or placed near the nose to allow the fumes to be inhaled.

3. Apply a warm compress to the affected area.

A warm compress can be used to clear the mucus from the nasal passages and lessen the amount in the ears.

To use a warm compress, simply follow these steps:

  • pour hot water onto a clean washcloth
  • once the cloth is soaked, it should be squeezed out
  • hold the washcloth below the affected ear for about 5 to 10 minutes

4. Gargle salt water

A saltwater gargle might help to clear mucus from the nose and ears. It’s also a simple fix.

To make a saltwater gargle, combine a small amount of salt with some water and mix well. They should gargle the salt water for a few seconds after mixing it, then spit it out.

Other treatment options

In the event of a blockage induced by high altitude, people can try the following:

  • yawning
  • swallowing
  • chewing
  • gently blowing the nose while pinching the nostrils shut until a popping sound is heard


Clogged ears are rarely dangerous, although they can be annoying and uncomfortable. The majority of people can get rid of their clogged ears using simple home remedies.

People should never try to clear a clog with a scraping device or a cotton swab because they can be highly harmful.

If home cures or over-the-counter medications fail to relieve a blocked ear, a doctor should be able to effectively treat the clogged ear.

