Can CBD Help Treat Acne: Does it work?

a lady using facial cream

Cannabidiol (also known as CBD) is a naturally occurring chemical found in the Cannabis sativa plant. Although it is only one of more than 100 chemicals found in cannabis, it has a wide range of possible health advantages. Is it possible to use CBD oil to heal acne?

The condition known as acne can cause discomfort in people of all ages, and new natural methods of combating acne are always welcome.

It appears that CBD oil may be good for acne and other skin disorders, based on some preliminary research findings. Some people use CBD topically to treat breakouts, while others take it orally to prevent outbreaks from occurring in the first place.

Is Cannabidiol (CBD) legal? CBD products derived from hemp that contain less than 0.3 percent THC are allowed under federal law, but they are still banned under several state regulations. CBD-derived products manufactured from cannabis, on the other hand, are prohibited under federal law but allowed under some state regulations. When travelling, especially in foreign countries, always sure to check local legislation. It’s also important to remember that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved nonprescription CBD products, which may be labelled incorrectly.

Can CBD oil be used to treat acne?

CBD oil may be beneficial in the prevention of acne outbreaks.
CBD oil may be beneficial in the prevention of acne outbreaks.

It appears that CBD oil may be beneficial in the treatment of acne, according to some studies. What it means in each individual case will vary depending on the type of acne a person has and the underlying cause of the acne.

CBD oil has the potential to help reduce many types of acne because of its capacity to alter the way the body produces sebum. The skin produces sebum, which is a waxy, oily material. CBD oil has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Acne is the most frequent skin ailment that affects people nowadays. Almost everyone experiences acne at some point in their lives, whether it’s on an occasional or on a regular basis.

Sebum is a natural barrier that protects our skin from the elements. It can, however, combine with dead skin cells, dirt, or other contaminants and become trapped inside a pore as a result of this reaction. Acne develops as a result of the clogged pore.

Acne can be caused by a variety of factors, including excessive sebum production, hormone imbalances, and heredity. Other factors, including as a person’s diet, stress levels, and the use of certain drugs, can all contribute to the intensity of their symptoms.

A 2014 study investigated the effects of CBD on human sebocytes, which are the cells responsible for the production of sebum. The researchers discovered that CBD inhibited these cells from producing an excessive amount of the greasy sebum they were producing.

Researchers discovered that CBD oil caused an anti-inflammatory response in the cells and blocked the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, according to the study. Cytokines are known to cause acne, thus lowering their levels may help prevent subsequent breakouts.

A review of the cannabis plant published in 2016 emphasized the plant’s antibacterial and antifungal properties. These actions may aid in the reduction of skin infections caused by dirt and other contaminants on the surface of the skin.

Despite the fact that the preliminary outcomes of these investigations are encouraging, human trials are still absent. Clinical trials in humans will be required before doctors will be able to offer CBD oil or cannabis products as a component of an anti-acne skin care routine.


To use CBD oil topically on the skin, simply combine it with a carrier oil and apply it directly to the affected area. It is critical to begin by utilizing a carrier oil that is compatible with the individual’s skin type. Carrier oils include the following:

Because the anti-inflammatory components in CBD are still active when it enters the body, taking it orally may be beneficial in treating acne in some circumstances.

However, because CBD has been given directly to the sebum-producing cells of the skin in research investigating CBD and the skin, topical treatment may be the most effective method.

There are also a variety of CBD-infused topical medicines available for purchase on the internet. People should, however, verify the other contents in the product to ensure that they are not exposed to any harsh or irritating chemicals.

A third-party laboratory test to establish the product’s CBD content must also be performed by the distributor, and this must be confirmed by the distributor.

When researchers evaluated 84 different CBD-containing consumer items in 2017, they discovered that 26 percent of them contained less CBD than the label indicated.

Other substances, such as tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive component of cannabis, were also present in the other items tested. Although using it topically is unlikely to result in a “high,” it is something to be aware of if one has sensitive skin or is subjected to regular drug testing.

CBD for other skin problems

cbd oil
It is possible to combine CBD oil with a carrier oil in order to cure acne or sensitive skin.

Because of its anti-inflammatory qualities, CBD may also be beneficial in the management of various skin diseases. CBD also has an antioxidant effect on the body, which may be beneficial for a variety of skin conditions, including acne.

Eczema and psoriasis: Some people may benefit from the anti-inflammatory component since it can assist them reduce potential triggers of eczema and psoriasis. CBD may also assist to restore equilibrium to the immune system, which is a factor in the development of many illnesses. More direct investigation, on the other hand, is required.

Sensitive skin: These same advantages may also be beneficial in soothing sensitive skin and reducing the look of overall irritation and redness. People should, however, exercise caution when using any additional components, as these may irritate sensitive skin.

Aging and wrinkles: CBD has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may help to improve general skin health while also reducing the appearance of wrinkles and age lines. In contrast to CBD oil, there are other other antioxidants, such as those found in vitamin E and fruits, that are more readily available.


There has been some evidence suggesting that CBD oil may be effective in the treatment of acne. The substance acts directly on the cells that produce sebum, which can aid in the regulation of oil production as well as the prevention of inflammation.

More direct human study, on the other hand, may be able to provide a more solid foundation for these statements. Anyone who is interested in learning more about CBD oil should consult with a skincare professional.

