Everything you need to know about dextroscoliosis

Everything you need to know about dextroscoliosis

Dextroscoliosis refers to an irregular curvature of the spine that is on the right. It’s sort of a scoliosis.

The spinal column of dextroscoliosis patients can appear curved in a S or C shape.

In this article we look at how medication and exercise can help a person alleviate symptoms of dextroscoliosis.

X-ray image of Dextroscoliosis
Dextroscoliosis is when the spine curves abnormally to the right of the body.

Dextrosoliosis is a form of scoliosis – a term that refers to conditions that include an abnormal spine curvature.

Although abnormal curvatures can occur anywhere in the spinal column of a person, dextroscoliosis tends to occur in the middle and upper portions of the spine (thoracic spine).

Scoliosis may be caused by neuromuscular conditions, disorders of the connective tissue and genetic conditions. But about 85 percent of cases of scoliosis have no known cause (idiopathic).

Types of scoliosis include:

  • Congenital scoliosis, which is scoliosis that is present at birth.
  • Early onset scoliosis, which is when scoliosis occurs before age 10.
  • Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, which causes both curving and twisting of a child’s spine as they grow.
  • Degenerative scoliosis, which occurs in older people because bones get weaker with age.
  • Neuromuscular scoliosis, which is caused by a neurological condition.
  • Scheuermann’s kyphosis, when the front sections of the vertebrae grow slower than the back sections.
  • Syndromic scoliosis, which develops because of an underlying syndrome.

In the United States, scoliosis affects an estimated 2 to 3 percent of people. Many people experience the disorder from 10-15 years old.

Exercises for dextroscoliosis

One way of minimizing discomfort and compensating for limited spine movement is to improve hip mobility and strength.

Stretches and exercises stretching the spine, widening the chest and strengthening back muscles also tend to improve symptoms of scoliosis.

Common exercises that can help lessen the symptoms of dextroscoliosis include:

Gluteal stretch:

  1. Laying flat on the back, straighten both legs upward.
  2. Bend one leg at the knee and place the side of the shin of the bent leg on the knee of the straightened leg, allowing the bent leg to relax and stretch outward to the side.
  3. Clasping the hands around the straightened leg, pull both legs toward the chest as far as is comfortable.
  4. Hold for at least 20 seconds.
  5. Release both legs slowly and repeat the stretch with the other leg.

Knee to chest stretch:

Gentle stretches yoga
Gentle stretches and exercises may help to treat scoliosis. If any of these stretches cause pain or discomfort, stop immediately.
  1. Laying flat on the back, bend both knees.
  2. Clasp the hands around one knee and lift it toward the chest while keeping the foot of the other leg flat on the ground.
  3. Slowly and steadily straighten the raised leg upward, clasping the back of the leg with both hands.
  4. Hold for at least 20 seconds.
  5. Slowly bring the leg back down and repeat with the other leg.

Thigh stretch:

  1. Lying on the side with both legs fully extended, bend the top leg at the knee.
  2. Clasping the foot or ankle of the bent leg, pull it back toward the middle to upper back, keeping the knees in line with each other.
  3. Hold for at least 20 seconds.
  4. Release the leg slowly and repeat with the other leg.

Lunge stretch:

  1. Get into a plank or push up position.
  2. Raise one leg and bring it forward, resting the foot next to the hands. The knee should sit directly above the ankle.
  3. Bend the knee of the straightened leg, and rest it on the floor.
  4. Bend forward at the hips as far as is comfortable.
  5. Hold for at least 20 seconds.
  6. Release the pose slowly and repeat with the other leg.

Shoulder stretch:

  1. Standing with the feet hip-width apart, raise one arm straight up as far as is comfortable.
  2. Keeping the upward-reaching arm extended, stretch the opposite arm down as far as is comfortable.
  3. Hold for at least 20 seconds.
  4. Release both arms and repeat on the opposite side.

Overhead stretch and reach:

  1. Standing with the feet hip-width apart, bend one arm and rest the hand on the hip.
  2. Raise the other arm up and over the head and lean in the direction of the bent arm as far as is comfortable.
  3. Hold for at least 20 seconds.
  4. Release both arms and repeat on the opposite side.

Lying butterfly stretch:

  1. Lying on the back, bend the knees and bring the ankles together.
  2. Putting one hand on each knee, let the knees fall away from each other as far as is comfortable.
  3. Hold for at least 20 seconds.

Yoga is suitable for scoliosis sufferers. Several core yoga poses can be particularly beneficial, including the Cat, the Tree and the Mountain.

Many individuals with experience of scoliosis have decreased lung capacity. Breathing exercises can help increase lung capacity and decrease associated symptoms , such as fatigue and headache.

It has also been shown that learning auto-correction techniques, or tricks that help a person recognize and correct poor posture, helps reduce pain caused by scoliosis.

There’s little information on the effects of therapeutic and recreational exercise for people with scoliosis, according to the National Scoliosis Foundation.

While similar exercises have shown promise to minimize symptoms of scoliosis, the best treatment plan for each case depends on the position and severity of the curvature.


The best way of treating dextroscoliosis depends on the age, symptoms and severity of a person’s condition.

Around 600,000 people in the U.S. are seeking medical attention for symptoms of scoliosis.

Of those seeking care, an estimated 30,000 children are fitted for a back brace to treat scoliosis, while another 38,000 are being surgically treated.

Mild to moderate scoliosis

X-rays are used to test scoliosis. A positive diagnosis of mild scoliosis requires that the curvature angle of the spine be greater than 10 degrees.

Mild cases of dextroscoliosis usually require only medical supervision. A doctor can review the curve ‘s progression every six months to a year, asking about symptoms such as pain or discomfort.

Curvatures with angles between 25 and 30 degrees are categorized as moderate scoliosis and some form of treatment is usually required.

For moderate scoliosis cases, physicians may suggest taking X-ray images every 6 months or annually. X-rays may only be required every 5 years in adults with scoliosis, because they are no longer rising.

Severe scoliosis

A person wearing back brace
A back brace may be recommended to help correct spinal posture. These will be made to fit the individual.

Curvatures of more than 35 degrees are considered serious, and need care almost always. A doctor may prescribe a back brace, or an operation.

A back brace may be designed to match the back of an individual’s spine for moderate to severe curves.

A person will still have to wear the scoliosis brace, even while eating , sleeping or exercising. Scoliosis braces work only for children and adolescents, as the spine begins to develop aggressively.

Where scoliosis is serious, surgery may be required. Most scoliosis surgery requires fusion of spinal vertebrae or segments together to facilitate straightening of the spine.

Surgeons can also insert metal rods or straightening devices into the spine to help it stay straight during recovery.

Other therapies which may be used to treat symptoms of dextroscoliosis include:

  • electrostimulation therapy
  • dietary changes or nutritional supplements
  • chiropractic therapy
  • massage therapy
  • physiotherapy
  • aquatic therapy or exercise
  • hot and cold therapy
  • pilates
  • reflexology
  • alexander technique training


Scoliosis may lead to pain, discomfort and reduced mobility. It can trigger low moods and low self-esteem, too.

Although scoliosis may cause back pain, another disorder can also cause this. 10 % of people with scoliosis who complained of back pain had an underlying disorder in one study, such as spondylolisthesis, syringomyelia, tethered cord, herniated disc, or spinal tumor.

While most cases of scoliosis resolve before curvature causes serious complications to the body, untreated or extreme scoliosis may be impaired, even life-threatening.

Long-term care of people with scoliosis can also pose health risks, mainly due to frequent diagnostic scanning radiation.

Complications related to scoliosis include:

  • reduced quality of life due to chronic pain
  • limited mobility
  • reduced respiratory function
  • reduced heart function
  • reduced gastrointestinal function
  • muscle loss
  • nerve pain or loss of nerve function
  • cancer from repeated radiation exposure


Dextroscoliosis can cause pain , discomfort, and mobility loss. Meanwhile, mild to moderate cases of scoliosis require only medical care, and people may reduce their symptoms by exercising or wearing a brace.

Scoliosis symptoms often resolve on its own over time in cases involving young children.

Serious scoliosis cases which cause pain or discomfort may require surgery. Anyone suffering scoliosis and feeling discomfort should seek medical attention.