Hard pimple: How to get rid of it

Hard pimple: How to get rid of it

Hard pimples can be long-lasting and painful. They are some of the most frustrating pimple forms to get rid of.

When dead skin cells, oils, or bacteria block a pore, most forms of pimples form. Hard pimples are often larger and more inflamed, such as nodules or cysts.

We talk about how to handle and avoid hard pimples in this post. We also look at various pimple forms and their causes.


Cleansers and moisturizing creams
Cleansers and moisturizing creams may help to treat hard pimples.

Strong pimples, as they tend to be bigger and deeper, can be more difficult to remove than other types. They are also pimples that are blind, which means they do not have a head.

An individual may be able to handle it at home, depending on the severity of the pimple; sometimes a pimple needs medical attention.

An individual may use the following methods to treat a difficult pimple at home:

  • Creams and ointments. The American Academy of Dermatology recommend over-the-counter creams that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and sulfur.
  • Warm compress. A warm compress can soften the spot, allowing pus to come to the surface. It can help also help a blind pimple come to a head.
  • Ice packs. Using an ice pack is a good way to reduce inflammation and pain. Ice may be especially effective for hard pimples, such as nodules and cysts.
  • Cleansers. Some studies have found non-soap cleansers to be better at treating acne than traditional soap.
  • Tea tree oil. A study from 2007 suggested that, compared to a placebo, tea tree oil was 3.5 times more effective in reducing the number of acne lesions and 5.75 times more effective at reducing the severity of an outbreak.
  • Vitamin-based creams. The data on how well these products work is not conclusive, and the concentrations of active ingredients, such as retinol or zinc, can vary between products.

There may be a link between gastrointestinal (GI) health, acne, and depression or anxiety, some studies indicate. The researchers believe that taking probiotics may help.

Popping pimples at home especially when they are hard, deep pimples, should be avoided. Attempts to do so may:

  • make a pimple larger
  • increase inflammation
  • push pus and dirt deeper into the pore
  • increase the risk of infection
  • result in scarring

If a difficult pimple causes pain, it can be removed safely and easily by a doctor. They may be able to drain it, or they can use a corticosteroid injection for deeper pimples.


Regularly washing the skin with gentle products may help.
Regularly washing the skin with gentle products may help.

Acne is usually caused by excess oils released by the skin and is not caused directly by poor hygiene.

Keeping the skin and hair clean, however will decrease outbreaks and prevent the production of all kinds of pimples.

  • Regular washing. Use a gentle cleanser to keep the pores open, prevent build-up of dead skin cells, and help keep bacteria at bay.
  • Wash hair regularly. Regular washing is especially important if hair is naturally oily. Keeping hair away from the skin on the face can help reduce the frequency and severity of pimples.
  • Avoid touching the face. Frequent touching can spread dirt or oil and cause flare-ups.
  • Choose products carefully. Always read the labels on make-up and facial products, opting for gentle, oil-free brands. These are sometimes called noncomedogenic.


The development and growth of a hard pimple is affected by several different elements, including:

  • Excess oil on the skin. When the body produces lots of facial oil or sebum, dead skin cells can stick together and block up the pores. This increases the chances of developing a hard pimple.
  • Changes in hormone levels. Increased levels of testosterone in men and women can trigger an increased production of sebum. This is common during puberty.
  • Bacteria. Once a pore becomes blocked by a combination of sebum and dead skin cells, it is easier for bacteria to enter and create a pimple.
  • Family history. Acne may run in families.
  • Medications. Some medications cause pimples or acne as a side effect.

The following factors can make outbreaks worse for people who already have pimples:

  • stress
  • rubbing and chafing across affected areas
  • trying to pop or squeeze out existing pimples
  • rough scrubbing of affected areas


Nodules and cysts on the face
Nodules and cysts are types of hard pimples that form deep below the skin’s surface.

Types of pimples include:

  • Whiteheads, also known as closed comedones, do not break the surface of the skin.
  • Blackheads break the surface of the skin, which is why they are called open comedones. Their black appearance is not because of dirt but because of air reacting to the inside of a pimple.
  • Papules. These form when an infected skin pore or follicle is near the skin surface. Papules can be sensitive to the touch.
  • Pustules are similar to papules but are redder and contain pus.
  • Nodules are a type of hard pimple that can be large and painful. They form when an infected skin pore or follicle is located deep below the skin surface.
  • Cysts are found deep below the skin when a pus-filled membrane forms around the infection. They are likely to scar.


A common experience is pimples and acne, with an estimated 80 percent of individuals aged 11 to 30 reporting an outbreak at some point.

The outlook for individuals coping with a hard pimple is generally strong. The sort of pimples that most people get appears to grow and disappear very quickly.

Typically, blackheads or whiteheads are believed to be mild acne. Moderate acne is classified as nodules, papules, and pustules. Extreme acne, which can be painful, is when a person has tender, red nodules.

Scarring is possible in more serious cases. Scars may be flat and barely noticeable, or produce pockmarks or indentations if the connective tissue has been compromised.

The American Academy of Dermatology suggests consulting a dermatologist to find out the appropriate course of action if the at-home treatment has not performed within 4 to 8 weeks.