How to Sleep With A Scratched Eye

Treatment for Corneal Abrasion
Treatment for Corneal Abrasion

Eye injuries are extremely common and can happen practically anywhere, whether you’re sitting at home or participating in a sporting event outside. A scratched eye is one of the most prevalent types of injuries of this kind. A scratched eye, which is also known as a corneal abrasion, can range from a very minor irritant to an exceedingly serious cut that may even result in permanent loss of vision. The severity of the scratch can be determined by its location on the cornea.

A scratched cornea frequently causes pain, light sensitivity, excessive squinting, and excessive tear production. An abrasion to the surface of the eye can cause cosmetic symptoms such as puffy eyelids or enlarged pupils in addition to the more obvious vision problems. Another symptom is blurry vision, which is caused mostly by the enlargement of the cornea and/or the excess tears.

eye scratch

What are the symptoms of Corneal Abrasion?

Symptoms associated with a superficial eye scratch typically include the following:

  • Eye pain
  • A feeling that something is stuck in your eye
  • Tearing

On the other hand, if the cornea of your eye has been scratched, you might experience more serious symptoms such as:

  • Blurry vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Headache.

How Dangerous Is the Corneal Abrasion?

The answer to this question is dependent upon which layer of the cornea was scratched. The epithelium is the most superficial layer of the cornea and functions in a manner analogous to that of skin. A resilient and protective structure known as Bowman’s membrane can be found just below the epithelium. These two layers are the only ones that are affected by minor corneal abrasions, which account for the vast majority of cases. It is anticipated that these abrasions will heal on their own within one to three days without causing any extra side effects.

It is possible that the corneal abrasion has penetrated multiple layers if you are experiencing a great deal of pain in your eyes. Deeper abrasions require treatment because they have a greater potential to result in permanent corneal scarring, which manifests as whitish regions on the cornea and has the potential to impair vision. If you are experiencing discomfort in your eyes, you should not delay in going to the nearest emergency room. Corneal abrasions that are more severe will require further treatment and will heal more slowly than those that are less severe.

First Aid For Corneal Abrasion

For now, in order to keep the injury from becoming more serious, the following is a list of things you should and should not do: 

  • Wash the scratched eye with saline solution or clean water to remove any foreign things that may have gotten into your eye. Rinse the scratched eye with saline solution or clean water in order to remove any foreign objects that may have gotten into your eye. It is ideal to use an eyecup, which is a device for emergency eye care that is typically included in first aid kits. If you do not have an eyecup, you can use a tiny clean glass instead.
  • Blink your eyes regularly to help flush out any foreign particles that may have gotten into the scratched eye. Blinking helps to flush out any foreign particles that may have gotten into the eye.
  • Pulling the upper eyelid over the lower eyelid will cause more tears to be produced, which can help wash away any foreign particles that may be present. Your lower eyelid’s lashes may also clear debris from behind your upper eyelid.
  • Put on some sunglasses because severe corneal abrasions might make your eyes sensitive to light. Wearing sunglasses with UV-resistant lenses can help protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays. However, sunglasses purchased from drugstores should be avoided because their tinted lenses do not provide any defense against the sun’s harmful rays.

A Scratched Eye’s Treatment to Improve Sleep

Treatment for Corneal Abrasion

According to a study in the Clinical Journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, sleep difficulties may be significantly increased by eye problems. If you scratch your eye, visit your ophthalmologist. Go to the emergency department if you’re in a lot of pain, are having any vision problems, or are concerned about your eye.

You should still visit a doctor to get your eyes examined even though most corneal abrasions and eye scratches are mild and will heal on their own in a few days.

An eye scrape may be treated by your ophthalmologist with antibiotic eye drops or ointment. To lessen swelling and lessen the likelihood of scarring, you can be prescribed steroid eye drops. To help you feel more comfortable, lubricating eye drops may also be administered.

For eye scratches, there are no over-the-counter eye drops available. You should consult a doctor before using any eye drops if you have scratched your eye.

Following are some things you should and should not do if you have a scratched eye:

  • DO wash your eye with clean water or saline solution. Use a small, spotless glass instead if you don’t have an eyecup. Place the glass’ rim on the bone beneath your lower eyelid, near the base of your eye socket. The foreign item in your eye might be removed by using water or saline solution.
  • DO blink. Small sand or dust particles in your eye can be removed by blinking.
  • DO NOT cross your top and lower eyelids. Any foreign object caught beneath your upper eye lid may be brushed away by the lashes from your lower eyelid.
  • DO wear your sunglasses. Sunglasses will keep you more comfortable while you heal if the scratch has made your eye sensitive to light.
  • AVOID rubbing your eye. Scratches might get worse if you rub them in your eyes.
  • DO NOT touch anything to your eye. Fingers, cotton swabs, and other things are useless for removing foreign objects and could end up causing more damage to your eye. Even though you still feel like something is in your eye, the object that created the scratch may have vanished.
  • AVOID putting on your contact lenses. Wearing your contacts will impede the healing process and may result in issues like infections linked to the use of contacts.
  • DON’T use eye drops to reduce redness. If you have an eye scratch, using over-the-counter redness-reducing eye drops can hurt and won’t hasten your recovery.

How To Protects Your Eyes from Eye injuries

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health estimates that every day, about 2,000 American employees get eye injuries. It is crucial to take precautions to protect your eyes while working because these injuries can range from slight irritants to loss of vision that cannot be recovered from. Here are five suggestions for avoiding eye injuries:

  • Put on the proper eye protection.
  • Check to see if your eyewear fits well.
  • Observe your surroundings carefully.
  • Never look at the sun directly.
  • Immediately seek medical help if you notice any unusual change in your eyes


Whether you’re indoors, outdoors, at work, or relaxing in your own home, eye injuries can still occur. They are not just restricted to those who work in an industrial environment, athletes, or young children. You could sustain an eye injury that needs medical attention. While some may only have a minor impact, others might cause excruciating pain or even blindness. Because of this, eye safety must be taken seriously.


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