Hygiene Tips For Plus Size / Obese Women (Research Based Guide)

Hygiene Tips For Plus Size

Are you looking for hygiene tips for obese women?

Then this article is for you.

Obesity is a complicated, long-term disease with many causes that can lead to having too much fat on the body and sometimes being sick. Body fat is not a disease, though. But if you have too much fat, it can change how your body works. These changes happen over time and can get worse, which can be bad for your health.

A person who has an excessive amount of fat in their body is considered obese. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) that is more than 30 and affecting adults aged 35 and older.

Hygiene Tips For Plus Size

It does not matter how much you weigh or how height you are; you should constantly practice proper personal hygiene. On the other hand, as a woman of a plus size, you have a greater responsibility to maintain a high level of personal cleanliness due to the fact that you have a greater amount of body mass. There is also the misconception that individuals who are plus size smell, which is not at all the case. Because of this, you need to pay more attention to your personal hygiene and get familiar with the additional, but simple, tips for keeping excellent hygiene as a plus size woman.

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Hygiene Tips For Plus Size / Obese Women

1. Always dry your skin after showering

It is extremely vital to make sure that you dry off completely once you get out of the shower, particularly for fat people who have skin folds and crevasses. If the area is not dried thoroughly, moist spots will appear, which provide an ideal environment for the proliferation of fungi and bacteria. To dry anything, you may either massage it with a towel, pat it with a towel, or use a blow dryer with a mixture of chilly and warm air.

2. Always clean your underarm

If the area under your arms is not cleaned often, it will likely retain odors and may even be emitting an objectionable stench if it is not cleansed.

You may get rid of the mustiness that is created by underarm hair by using a razor, hair removal creams, honey, or lemon. These are all things that you can do at home without no stress.

3. Always learn to manage chafing relief

Chafing is a distressing and annoying condition that happens when skin rubs against itself or something else, like clothing. But chafing can be prevented or made less complicated with home remedies.

Most of the time, chafing looks like a rash and can make the skin red, painful, and sensitive. Chafing can also be caused by other things, like sweating, which can be a problem in the warmer months.

Some of the home remedies below may help stop chafing or speed up the healing process. But before using a home remedy, it’s best to clean the affected area and pat it dry gently.

  • Aloe vera gel
  • Argan oil
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Coconut oil
  • Cornstarch

4. Applying cornstarch after showering

Deodorants can stop you from sweating and cut down on body odor, which is caused by bacteria breaking down sweat. People who are plus-sized tend to sweat a lot, but using deodorant regularly can help with this.

Don’t just put it on your armpits. Apply to other places where skin folds are close together, like under the breast, on the belly, etc.

Go for products made from natural ingredients. You may need to try a few or talk to a local beautician or pharmacist about what’s available in your area.

5. Always take shower regularly

When it’s too hot, your body tends to hold on to more bacteria, which can cause bad smell. This is why people are often told to rinse off with cool water right after a hot shower. When you do this, it can help close your pores, making it harder for them to get clogged. This keeps harmful bacteria away and helps your skin stay healthy.

6. Always keep vagina clean

Every person’s vagina smells different, depending on things like what they wear, how they eat, and how much water they drink, among other things. Think about taking good care of your vagina to keep it healthy and smelling good.

7. Peeing after sex

Peeing gets rid of any bacteria that may have moved into the urethra while playing, which may lower the risk of getting a UTI. You can also run a little bit of water through your vulva with your finger, but don’t wash or scrub your vulva.

8. Always keep good menstrual hygiene

It’s very important to clean yourself down there, because menstrual hygiene should never be taken for granted. Don’t use harsh soaps near your vaginal area, which is more sensitive than the rest of your body and has a different pH level. Use gentle washes for women twice a day. Our vagina makes natural oils, so don’t wash it too much because soaps remove the skin’s protective barrier. Wear good liners that won’t irritate your skin. Cotton panty liners help the vaginal secretions dry out quickly. Your vaginal smell and health are also affected by what you eat. You should eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of water, and stay away from junk food and fried foods as much as possible. This will keep the pH level of your vaginal discharges from being too high or too low.

9. Always brush your teeth regularly

You can be sure to have a confident and happy smile if you take care of your teeth, so brush them twice a day for 3–5 minutes each time. It should be done twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. Because we eat many different kinds of food, germs and bacteria build up on our teeth. So, taking care of your teeth and gums by keeping up with good oral hygiene protects them and keeps them from getting cavities or infections. Scrubbing your teeth cleans the outside, inside, and biting surfaces. Also, use dental floss to get rid of food that is stuck deep in your mouth. Don’t forget to clean and brush the top of your tongue every day because bacteria can grow there, especially on the rougher top.

10. Always wear clean clothes

This is one of the first and most important things I think of when I hear the word “hygiene.” If you don’t wash your clothes every day, they can be a source of germs and make you sick. So, make sure to clean them every day. Also, put on a new outfit every day. This also means changing your underwear and other innerwear, which, if left the same, can be a great place for germs to grow. Sweat can also be found on clothes, which can lead to serious skin problems. So, make sure you never wear clothes that are dirty, wrinkled, or smell bad.


Maintaining both one’s physical and one’s mental health requires an adequate level of personal cleanliness. No matter how big or little we are, our demands and routines for cleanliness are essentially the same.

On the other hand, people of a larger size have specific differences that might make maintaining good personal hygiene more difficult for them.

Despite this, it is possible to successfully manage this while continuing on the path toward achieving a healthy weight target by using a variety of routines and changes.


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