Important Items In a First Aid Kit in Nigeria 

Tips On How To Use First Aid Kit

A first aid box is a crucial item that everyone should have in their home, car, or workplace. It is important to keep it well-stocked and easily accessible to use during an emergency.

In Nigeria, accidents and emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time, whether it is at home, school, work, or on the road. Therefore, having basic knowledge of first aid and a well-equipped first aid box is essential in case of an emergency.

In Nigerian households, having a first aid box can make a significant difference between life and death, as well as prevent injuries from worsening. The first few minutes after an accident or injury are critical, and having the right items in a first aid box can provide immediate assistance before medical professionals arrive.

Typically, the contents of a first aid box should be able to provide some form of treatment in the event of an emergency until the arrival of medical personnel. Thus, there are some essential items that a first aid box should contain at all times.

In this article, we will discuss the basic items that should be included in a first aid box for Nigerian homes to ensure the safety and well-being of family members and others in their care during an emergency.

15 Items In a First Aid Kit in Nigeria 

1. Adhesive bandages

Also known as plaster or band-aids, adhesive bandages are used to cover small cuts and scrapes. They come in different sizes and shapes, and it is important to have a variety in your first aid kit.

2. Gauze pads

Gauze pads are used to cover and protect larger wounds. They come in different sizes and thicknesses, and it is important to have a variety in your first aid kit.

3. Adhesive tape

Adhesive tape is used to secure gauze pads and bandages in place. It is also used to immobilize injured body parts.

4. Scissors

Scissors are used to cut gauze, tape, and clothing to expose the injured area.

5. Tweezers

Tweezers are used to remove foreign objects such as splinters, glass, and thorns from the skin.

6. Antiseptic wipes

Antiseptic wipes are used to clean the skin before applying bandages or gauze pads to prevent infection.

7. Disposable gloves

Disposable gloves are used to protect the person providing first aid from coming into contact with blood, body fluids, or other bodily substances.

8. Thermometer

A thermometer is used to measure body temperature and is essential in determining if someone has a fever.

9. Pain relievers

Pain relievers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen are used to provide relief for pain and fever.

10. Antihistamines

Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine are used to provide relief for allergies and insect bites.

11. Hydrocortisone cream

Hydrocortisone cream is used to provide relief for itching, rashes, and insect bites.

12. Instant cold packs

Instant cold packs are used to provide relief for swelling and pain caused by injuries.

13. Saline solution

Saline solution is used to clean and flush out wounds and eyes.

14. CPR face mask

A CPR face mask is used to provide protection while performing CPR.

15. Flashlight

A flashlight is essential for providing light during emergencies, especially in areas with no electricity.

Tips On How To Use First Aid Kit

Tips On How To Use First Aid Kit

First aid is the initial assistance or care given to someone who is injured or suddenly becomes ill before medical professionals arrive. It is essential to know how to administer first aid because it can be the difference between life and death.

In this guide, we will provide an overview of how to use first aid in different situations.

  1. Assess the situation: Before administering first aid, you should assess the situation to determine if it is safe to approach the victim. If it is not safe, call for professional help immediately.
  2. Call for help: If the victim is unconscious or has a life-threatening injury, call for emergency medical services immediately.
  3. Check for breathing and pulse: Check if the victim is breathing and has a pulse. If not, start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and continue until emergency medical services arrive.
  4. Control bleeding: If the victim is bleeding, apply pressure to the wound to control the bleeding. Use a clean cloth or bandage and apply pressure directly on the wound. If necessary, elevate the affected area above the heart to reduce bleeding.
  5. Treat burns: If the victim has a burn, cool the affected area immediately with cool water for at least 20 minutes. Remove any clothing or jewelry from the affected area unless it is stuck to the skin.
  6. Treat fractures: If the victim has a suspected fracture, immobilize the affected area by applying a splint or sling. Do not try to move the victim unless it is absolutely necessary.
  7. Treat shock: If the victim is in shock, elevate their legs and cover them with a blanket to keep them warm. Keep the victim calm and reassure them that help is on the way.
  8. Treat poisoning: If the victim has been poisoned, call for emergency medical services immediately. Do not try to induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by a medical professional.
  9. Treat bites and stings: If the victim has been bitten or stung, remove any stingers or venom sacs from the affected area. Clean the affected area with soap and water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.
  10. Administer medication: If the victim has a medical condition that requires medication, administer the medication as instructed by a medical professional.

Knowing how to administer first aid is essential in emergencies. It is important to remember to stay calm and assess the situation before administering any aid. Always call for emergency medical services if the victim has a life-threatening injury or condition.


In conclusion, having a well-equipped first aid kit can be the difference between life and death during an emergency. It is essential to have one in your home, car, and workplace, and to ensure that it is well-stocked and accessible to everyone.


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