Is it possible to get rid of a hangover by drinking coffee?

Is moderate alcohol consumption associated with a lower risk of death?

Excessive alcohol consumption will result in a slew of symptoms the next day that are usually referred to as a hangover. There is actually no surefire way to get rid of a hangover. Although coffee can alleviate some symptoms, it is unlikely to provide significant relief.

Many people experience symptoms the next day after consuming too much alcohol. A headache, nausea, and a groggy, unrested feeling are all possible symptoms.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that some rituals or substances, such as coffee, may aid in the recovery of a hangover. However, there is little or no proof that drinking coffee will counteract the effects of excessive alcohol consumption.

In fact, while coffee can help with some symptoms of a hangover, it may actually make others worse. At this time, the best way to stop a hangover is to avoid or consume alcohol in moderation.

In this post, we’ll look at whether coffee will help or worsen a hangover, as well as some hangover remedies.


Friends drinking alcohol

When anyone drinks too much, they get a hangover. It usually happens in the morning after a night of drinking.

The precise causes of hangovers are still unknown to researchers. Biological Factors, such as dehydration, gastrointestinal pain, inflammation, chemical exposure, disturbed sleep, and mini-withdrawals, seem to play a role in the symptoms, according to studies. Genetics can also play a part, according to some studies.

Symptoms of a hangover include:

The symptoms of a hangover can differ greatly from one person to the next. Furthermore, since different people react to the same amount of alcohol in different ways, it is difficult to determine how much alcohol would cause hangover symptoms.

Some forms of alcohol can make a person more susceptible to hangover symptoms. According to studies, congeners, which are found in dark-colored spirits like whisky, can make a hangover worse.

If a person’s symptoms worsen after drinking wine, particularly white wine, it’s possible that they have a sulphite intolerance.

Does coffee help?

A hangover currently has no remedy, and drinking coffee is unlikely to bring much, if any, relief.

Caffeine, which is found in coffee, is a diuretic, similar to alcohol. As a result, it can dehydrate the body even further, potentially prolonging or worsening hangover symptoms.

There isn’t a lot of literature about how coffee affects hangover symptoms. Instead, the majority of research focuses on alcohol and caffeine intake, such as combining caffeinated energy drinks with alcohol.

Alcohol and caffeine can never be mixed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source. Caffeine and alcohol consumption can mask the effects of alcohol, making people feel more alert and sober than they normally would.

People who mix alcohol and caffeine are more likely to engage in risky activity than those who drink alcohol alone, according to a 2011 study. According to a 2013 study, combining alcohol and caffeine does not prevent a hangover.

Other hangovers remedies

The easiest way to stop a hangover is to stay away from alcohol entirely, but not everyone wants to do that. If people do drink, it is recommended that they do so in moderation.

Rehydrating, consuming healthy foods, and having plenty of rest will help people control and reduce their symptoms.

Another alternative is to use home remedies. Though coffee does not help, certain natural substances have been shown to help with hangover symptoms. This may include the following:

  • kudzu
  • fructus evodiae
  • Korean pear
  • asparagus
  • ginger
  • water dropwort
  • pear cactus
  • ginseng

Despite some evidence that these natural substances may help with hangover symptoms, research on the subject is limited and inconclusive.

Certain teas and electrolyte drinks, as well as beverages containing these ingredients, can provide some relief. Water, on the other hand, is the easiest and most powerful drink for preventing hangovers.

Alcohol risk factors

Daily hangovers are likely to be harmful to one’s health because they mean that one consumes excessive quantities of alcohol on a regular basis. Heavy, binge, or inappropriate drinking may have a negative impact on one’s health.

Excessive alcohol consumption may have the following short-term consequences:

  • injuries — for example, from falls, car accidents, and burns
  • violence, including homicide, suicide, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence
  • alcohol poisoning
  • risky sexual behaviors, which may result in unintentional pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs)

The long-term health risks of excessive alcohol consumption may include:

  • liver disease
  • digestive problems
  • heart diseasestroke, and high blood pressure
  • certain cancers, such as mouth, throat, and liver cancer
  • mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety
  • alcohol use disorders
  • weakening of the immune system, which may increase the chances of becoming sick
  • learning and memory problems, including dementia and impaired performance at work or school
  • social problems, such as family issues, unemployment, and loss of productivity


While some people recommend coffee as a hangover remedy, it does not treat a hangover and is unlikely to offer much benefit, if any. It can also aggravate the symptoms of a hangover in some cases.

A hangover actually has no remedy, and the only way to prevent the effects is to avoid drinking alcohol. Drinking plenty of water, eating healthy foods, and getting plenty of sleep may help people with hangovers feel better.
