What are working snoring remedies?

What are working snoring remedies?

Snoring is caused by the upper respiratory tract vibrating with air. There are several recommended remedies for snoring but which ones are the most effective?

90 million American adults often snore, and 37 million people regularly snore, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

The snoring triggers generally aren’t extreme. It may however mean that lifestyle changes will improve the health of a individual.

Snoring remedies

a snoring woman on bed
There are many snoring remedies available, and some are more effective than others.

The following lifestyle changes and tips may reduce or stop a person’s snoring.

1. Losing weight

Overweight individuals are more likely to snore. Fatty tissue and poor muscle tone contribute to snoring, particularly around the throat.

Eating a calorie balanced, safe diet and exercising regularly are the best ways to lose weight.

2. Sleeping on one side

A person is more likely to snore if they lie on their back, which can cause the tongue to shift to the back of the throat. This makes breathing harder and can cause the sounds of snoring.

Sleeping on one side may make the air flow smoother, reducing the vibrations. This can either stop a snore’s sound, or make it quieter.

3. Quitting smoking

Smoking irritates the airways in addition to harming overall health and this can make snoring worse.

If someone smokes, quitting might make them snore less, if at all.

4. Avoiding alcohol

Drinking large quantities of alcohol relaxes muscles in the mouth. Those muscles are more likely to vibrate as they relax.

Avoiding alcohol can minimize or avoid snoring before bedtime.

5. Avoiding sleeping pills

Sedative medicines, or sleeping pills, can result in very deep sleep. It can have a calming effect on the muscles of the neck, and cause snoring.

A doctor can suggest healthy ways to guarantee a good night’s sleep.

6. Elevating the head

Using additional pillows to elevate the head may help open the airways, reducing or eliminating snoring.

Marketers offer pillows which are designed to support the body and prevent snoring.

7. Treating allergies

An allergic reaction may result in irritation and obstruction of airways. This can intensify snoring.

When allergies are causing a person’s snoring, having appropriate care will help.

8. Mandibular advancement device

If during sleep a person’s tongue partially covers the back of the throat, this can cause snoring.

In the mouth, a mandibular advancement tool is worn to push forward the tongue which may minimize snoring.

9. Vestibular shield

There is also a vestibular shield worn in the mouth.

Snoring may be triggered by the mouth that falls open during sleep and this system enables a person to breathe through his nose, which can avoid snoring.

10. Nasal dilators or strips

Blocked or narrow airways may also cause snoring, and can be aided by a nasal dilator or strip.

They are built to hold an individual’s nose open when they are sleeping. This lets them breathe better, and can avoid or decrease snoring.

11. Nasal sprays

A nasal spray can also be useful when blocked or small airways cause snoring.

Nasal sprays can help to reduce and free up inflammation in the nose and airways.

If a person is seeking a long-lasting cure for snoring, they may suggest surgery. Several forms of surgery are available on prevention.

12. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty

Long-lasting remedies may include surgical options, such as an uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.
Long-lasting remedies may include surgical options, such as an uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.

A general anesthetic is necessary for ufulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP). This includes the elimination of part or all of:

  • uvula, the teardrop-shaped fleshy part at the back of the throat
  • soft palate
  • tonsils

UPPP lets the main portion of the throat open. If it’s too small this area can cause snoring.

13. Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty

Laser assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP) is a less severe surgical technique than UPPP. A person may need anesthetic of a local or general nature.

LAUP means using a laser to compress soft palate and uvula. This allows the middle part of the throat to open too. A individual might want to consider LAUP if the narrowness of this area triggers the snoring.

14. Palatal stiffening operation

A palatal stiffening process, also known as electric cautery, involves burning the soft palate to make it stiff.

This is done because the soft palate blocking the airway triggers a snoring.

15. Radio frequency ablation

This surgery is also called somnoplasty.

On the soft palate, radio frequencies are used to establish regulated lesions, which shrink any excess tissue nearby.

This procedure will help if the soft palate is blocking the airway, causing a person to snore.

16. Injection snoreplasty

A 2014 study found snoreplasty injection to be a safe and efficient form of treating snoring caused by the soft palate.

It involves injecting a chemical into the soft palate, breaking down the tissue and reducing its bulk. It is much less invasive than other surgical methods intended to avoid snoring.

17. Septoplasty

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct a deviated septum.

A deviated septum can cause snoring and affect the flow of air through the nose.

18. Pillar procedure

This minor surgery includes tiny implants inserted into the soft palate. The goal is to make it softer, raising its ability to vibrate when a individual snores.

Remedies to avoid

Few or no evidence indicates that the following treatments are successful in stopping snoring:

  • chin straps
  • shock bracelets
  • acupressure rings
  • throat sprays

Coping strategies

A person who sleeps next to someone who snores may find earplugs helpful.
A person who sleeps next to someone who snores may find earplugs helpful.

Snoring will disturb those nearby in their sleep.

The person who snores may ask his or her partners or roommates to do the following to avoid relationship difficulties:

  • wear ear plugs
  • roll the snoring person onto their side
  • wake the snoring person so that the others can fall asleep

If other prevention measures have failed, a person who snores may want to suggest a surgical procedure.

What causes snoring?

When a person falls asleep, they relax their tongue, ears, throat and airways. Breathing may cause certain areas to vibrate, contributing to the snoring sound.

A person is more likely to snore if they:

  • are overweight
  • smoke
  • drink alcohol excessively
  • sleep on their back

Sleep apnea, a condition which temporarily blocks the airways, may also cause snoring.

When to see a doctor

Sleeping apnea can cause breathing difficulties. If any of the following signs are present, talk with a doctor:

  • loud or frequent snoring
  • choking or gasping during sleep
  • pauses in breathing
  • headaches in the morning
  • excessive daytime sleepiness
  • difficulty staying asleep
  • waking up with a dry mouth or a sore throat
  • a frequent need to urinate in the night
  • memory problems
  • moodiness, irritability, or depression

Apnea is greater than snoring. It can place considerable pressure on the heart and other organs so it requires prompt care.