What natural remedies can I use to treat my burn?

What natural remedies can I use to treat my burn?

The severity of a burn or scald will determine whether or not a person may require immediate medical attention. In some cases, a hospital visit is not necessary and the burn or scald can be treated in the comfort of one’s own home.

In spite of the fact that first- and second-degree burns are unbearably painful, individuals may help to relieve the pain, minimise damage to the skin, and reduce the risk of infection by utilising materials that are already in the house, in the kitchen, or on the shelf of a local store.

There are also a range of cures that should not be used by the general public. Many of these products are ineffective and may even increase the likelihood of infection in some people..

Doctors grade burns on a scale from one to four on a first- to fourth-degree scale. People can usually treat first- and second-degree burns at home, unless they are severely burned. Third- and fourth-degree burn victims, on the other hand, should seek medical attention as soon as possible after suffering from their injuries.

In this post, we will discuss which home treatments are appropriate and which are not. Aside from that, we provide information on how to determine whether a burn requires medical attention.

7 home natural for burns

There are numerous home remedies for burns that are both quick and effective.

There are a variety of home remedies for burns that people might try to alleviate their symptoms.

A person can treat first- and second-degree burns at home with the help of the home remedies listed below, which are both safe and effective.

1. Running the burn under cool water to cool it down

The application of cool water to a first- or second-degree burn for 20 minutes can help to cool the skin and soothe the burn while also preventing further injury from occuring.

There are two advantages to using this treatment. It relieves or completely eliminates the discomfort, as well as preventing the burn from intensifying and injuring deeper layers of skin.

2. Clean the burn

It is critical to completely clean the burn once it has been run under cool running water. People should wash their hands with a gentle antibacterial soap and avoid scraping their skin.

Cleaning the burn gently will aid in the prevention of infection. If an infection develops at the burn site, it has the potential to impede the healing procedure. It is possible that a person will require medical attention if their burn does not heal properly.

3. Bandages

If the burn blisters are not open, it may not be necessary to cover minor first- or second-degree burns with a bandage.

However, if the burn is in a place where chafing is possible, if dirt may readily enter the skin, or if any blisters have started bleeding, a bandage may be necessary to prevent infection from spreading to other areas of the body.

It is critical to wrap the bandage loosely and to avoid applying sticky bandages directly to the incision site, which can cause infection.

4. Antibiotic creams

When a burn has opened blisters, it is recommended that antimicrobial lotions and ointments be applied.

Antibiotic creams may aid in the prevention of infection in the wound as well as the speedy healing of the burn.

Cover any exposed blisters after using an antibiotic ointment to prevent the wound from being infected and becoming infected.

5. Over-the-counter pain medications

Until the wounds heal, first- and second-degree burns inflict significant discomfort. It is possible that a person will want to take medicine to help lessen pain and inflammation.

If you are looking for a pain reliever, ibuprofen is a reliable option. An NSAID, it has the ability to reduce inflammation as well as other symptoms of inflammatory conditions.

6. Stay out of the sun as much as possible.

When you’re outside in hot or bright weather, keeping a burn in the shade can help lessen both the pain and the chance of the burn becoming more severe or deepening.

If it is not possible to avoid exposure to the sun, a person should dress in loose-fitting clothes that covers the wound.

7. Aloe vera

All kinds of lotions, sunscreens, and moisturisers contain aloe vera as a common active ingredient. It is used topically to treat burns and aid in the healing of wounds in its gel form.

In addition to acting as a natural anti-inflammatory, the aloe plant helps to improve circulation. It also contains antimicrobial qualities, which prevent bacteria from reproducing and expanding.

8. Honey

Honey can be used to treat a person's burnt skin.
Honey can be used to treat a person’s burnt skin.

According to a systematic evaluation published in 2018, honey may have some clinical benefits when applied topically to burns.

It is possible that applying honey to a bandage and laying it over the burn will aid in sterilising the area and preventing infection. It can also be used to calm burned skin, which can help to alleviate some of the discomfort.

The review, on the other hand, concluded that the evidence was of “limited quality.”

Things to avoid

For many decades, people have passed down burn treatment advice from one generation to the next. A large number of the following remedies, on the other hand, have no evidence to support their usefulness.

The following solutions are not only unhelpful, but they also have the potential to make a burn worse.

When trying to relieve a burn, stay away from the solutions listed below.


Many individuals believe that using essential oils, as well as conventional cooking oils such as coconut and olive oil, can assist to treat burns.

Oils, on the other hand, hold on to heat, preventing it from fleeing the burn. Keeping the heat trapped might make the burn worse instead of helping it to heal.

It is the claim of certain essential oil manufacturers that their product can aid in the healing of a wide range of skin conditions and wounds.

Some study suggests that the usage of essential oils is beneficial, however this has only been done on a small basis. There have been no large-scale human studies conducted to investigate the relationship between the use of essential oils and burn healing.


Many people believe that applying butter to a burn helps speed up the healing process. Butter, on the other hand, behaves in a similar way to other oils in that it traps heat, which may exacerbate the burn.

When it comes to burn therapy, there is no scientific evidence to justify the practise.

Egg whites

Another home cure to avoid is applying an uncooked egg white to a burn in order to ease the pain and inflammation. There is no evidence to suggest that an undercooked egg is beneficial.

Increased likelihood of germs spreading into the burn as a result of the egg, which may raise the risk of infection.


When it comes to treating a burn, many individuals opt for ice instead of cool water, believing that the frigid temperature of the ice will be more efficient at cooling the injured skin.

Ice, on the other hand, might do more harm than good and can irritate already-burned skin even more. After exposing one’s skin to ice for an extended period of time, one may develop a cold burn.


Some individuals believe that putting toothpaste to a burn site may help it heal more quickly. Toothpaste, on the other hand, is not sterile and may actually promote bacteria to expand into the burn.

What is the severity of the burn?

Burns fall into four categories:

  • First-degree burn: This is the least severe type of burn. It only damages the outer layer of skin.
  • Second-degree burn: This is more severe than a first-degree burn, affecting deeper layers of skin.
  • Third-degree burn: A burn in this category affects all layers of the skin and requires hospital treatment.
  • Fourth-degree burn: This is the most severe type of burn, which causes damage to bones and joints.

The treatment of first- and second-degree burns at home is frequently sufficient to alleviate the immediate pain and irritation. In most cases, there are no difficulties, and healing will take place without the need for medical intervention.

Scalds are burns that occur as a result of contact with hot liquid, and they are measured on a similar scale by doctors.

A first-degree burn will usually heal in 7–10 days if it is not severe. Healing time for a second-degree burn is typically 2–3 weeks. If there are signs of infection, a person should keep an eye on the burn in case it requires medical attention.

Typical first-degree burn symptoms include the following:

  • redness
  • tenderness or pain
  • minor swelling
  • peeling as the burn heals

Typical symptoms of second-degree burns include:

  • extreme redness
  • very sore or painful skin
  • blisters that may break and ooze

When to visit a doctor

In most cases, persons with first- and second-degree burns do not need to seek medical assistance, but they should keep an eye on the burn for symptoms that it is becoming worse.

First-degree burns can progress to second-degree burns if not treated promptly. The skin may begin to show signs of deeper injury within a few hours of the procedure.

If a person suffers from a second-degree burn that is not improving or is getting worse, they should seek medical attention.

Things to look out for include:

  • a burn that covers an area of skin larger than 3 inches
  • burns around joints, such as the knees and elbows
  • a burn that affects the face, groin, feet, hands, or buttocks

Third- and fourth-degree burns require medical intervention right away. The majority of doctors believe that these burns are potentially life-threatening. The use of home treatments should be avoided in the case of an extremely serious burn.


The majority of persons who suffer first- and second-degree burns will achieve a full recovery in a short period of time.

Someone should take special care to keep the burn clean during this time period. If a person suspects that they have an infection, if the wound covers a wide area, or if the wound does not heal within a reasonable length of time, they should seek medical attention.