15 natural and home remedies for instant migraine relief

15 natural and home remedies for instant migraine relief

According to the Migraine Research Foundation Migraine is one of the most common conditions in the world. Migraines can occur in families which are known to have children and adults.

The Migraine Research Foundation reports that about 12 percent of people in America are suffering from migraine headaches.

Migraine headaches are not just serious headache. Migraines are part of a condition of the neurology and often have other symptoms including:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • tingling or numbness in the hands or feet
  • visual changes
  • sensitivity to sound, light, or smell

Migraines can be debilitating, and a chronic condition that can affect some people’s daily lives.

Many different medications are used to treat migraines and to prevent them. But some people prefer to use natural treatments as alternatives or medical treatment supplements.

Natural remedies for migraines

Here are 15 natural migraine remedies, which people may want to try:

1. Acupressure

Acupressure therapy may help relieve some migraine symptoms.
Acupressure therapy may help relieve some migraine symptoms.

Acupressure involves exerting pressure on specific body parts. It is thought that stimulating specific body points in this way will release muscle tension and alleviate pain.

The LI-4 point in space between the base of the left thumb and the pointer finger is one common pressure point.

Using the opposite hand for 5 minutes, applying firm, but not painful, circular pressure to the LI-4 point can relieve headache pain.

A study in 2012 looked at 40 people without auras who had migraines. It found that in relieving migraine-induced nausea or vomiting induced with migraine headache, pressure on the PC6 acupoint, which is located three fingers up from the base of the wrist on the inside of the neck.

2. Diet changes

Many people who get migraines notice that they can trigger certain foods.

Common migraine food triggers include:

  • processed foods
  • red wine
  • alcohol
  • chocolate
  • caffeinated beverages

It is critical to be aware of what could trigger a migraine. Many people keep track of possible causes using a food diary or migraine journal.

Changing diet or eating patterns to avoid triggers could help prevent future migraines.

3. Essential oils

Essential oils are also used in homemade cleaning products as natural remedies, or as an antimicrobial.

Lavender is an essential oil that is frequently recommended as a cure for stress , anxiety and headaches. Another small study conducted in European Neurology found that inhalation of lavender oil in certain people has helped to reduce the severity of migraine headaches.

The results are encouraging but further research is needed using larger sample sizes.

4. Ginger

A 2014 study using 100 participants compared ginger powder ‘s efficacy to sumatriptan, a popular migraine medication.

The researchers found that ginger ‘s effectiveness was statistically comparable with sumatriptan, and users were as willing to continue either treatment.

For people who get migraines, one definite advantage is that using ginger can’t hurt and there are no side effects of using it, aside from an existing allergy.

5. Stress management

Journaling may help relieve stress.
Journaling may help relieve stress.

Stress is a common migraine cause. Stress can also create a cycle in which migraine pain aggravates stress, and then triggers another migraine.

Having stress outlets like journaling, exercise, or meditation will help prevent future migraines.

Individuals can also want to take a class on stress management. They may also choose to take a warm bath or listen to music to try to ease the stress they ‘re feeling.

By doing these positive actions, a person elects to take control of the reaction of their body to the stress in their life.

6. Yoga or stretching

Yoga is thought to help increase blood flow and reduce muscle tension, which can help alleviate symptoms for migraine-bearing individuals.

A comprehensive 2014 study 2014 study compared conventional migraine treatment with and without regular yoga practice.

The researchers found that the group that participated in a yoga program had more benefit than the group that only engaged in conventional treatment.

7. Biofeedback therapy

Biofeedback is a therapy which people use to trigger tight muscle release and relaxation.

Biofeedback involves training and practice. Sensors placed on the muscles feed into a small machine which gives real-time feedback on muscle tension, enabling users to better release the tight areas.

Placing sensors in the shoulders along the forehead, jawline, or trapezoidal muscles can help target muscles which may trigger migraine pain.

8. Acupuncture

A comprehensive systematic review in 2012 looked at studies that assessed the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating migraines and other conditions.

The authors of the study found that acupuncture is an effective treatment option for persons with migraine headaches, although they pointed out that other factors may also play a role.

People interested in using acupuncture for migraines should make sure they find a licensed treatment practitioner.

9. Massage

Massaging the neck and shoulder muscles can help alleviate stress and ease migraine pain. Massage can reduce stress, as well.

People can prefer to take a massage with a professional masseuse. Alternatively, it is another more cost-effective alternative to take a tennis ball and use it to do a self-massage around the shoulders and back.

10. Herbal supplements

Herbal supplements, such as butterbur, may help reduce migraine frequency.
Herbal supplements, such as butterbur, may help reduce migraine frequency.

Butterbur and feverfew are two herbal supplements that that help minimize the pain and frequency of migraines.

According to the American Migraine Foundation, a daily dose of 150 milligrams ( mg) of butterbur was effective at lowering the migraine frequency when taken for about 3 months.

The foundation suggest feverfew is less effective than butterbur. However for some people Feverfew can be beneficial.

There are some risks when using these herbs, which are severe in rare cases, and anyone who wants to try them should first speak with their doctor.

11. Magnesium

Magnesium deficiency, which is an essential mineral, can cause a migraine aura or menstrual migraine headache.

A migraine aura is a visual disturbance arising at the onset of a migraine. Not everyone who obtains migraines will experience an aura of migraines.

Research has shown that magnesium supplementation can be useful in reducing migraine frequency in some individuals.

Before starting to take magnesium people should talk to their doctor, especially if they have other health conditions.

12. B-complex vitamins

The vitamins B can reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. B vitamins are important in controlling neurotransmitters in the brain.

B vitamins are soluble in water, which ensures that excess amounts are excreted in the urine and not contained in the body.

The body excretes B vitamins quickly, so it’s unlikely anyone could take too much. Nevertheless, talking with a doctor is still important before you start taking a daily B-complex vitamin.

Trials are being conducted to determine how useful vitamins B are in helping to alleviate the work stress people experience from their jobs.

13. Stay hydrated

Not drinking enough water is a well-known trigger for migraine and headache, and it takes only mild dehydration to cause headache.

People can daily try to drink more water to prevent dehydration. People with extreme dehydration can initially need a solution of oral rehydration to replace the missing electrolytes.

Drinking water all day long, and maintaining a healthy diet is usually sufficient to remain sufficiently hydrated.

14. Rest

Migraine headaches can be triggered by lack of sleep and too much sleep.

Getting 7–9 hours of restful nightly sleep can help reduce stress and prevent migraines.

15. Compresses

Many people consider it can be relieving to put a cold or warm compress on their head and help to alleviate migraine pain.

Many people who get migraines report a cold compress preference but warm or cold may work.

The use of this therapy has few side effects, though people with circulatory problems , diabetes or skin problems should avoid extreme temperatures.


People need to work with a doctor or migraine specialist to find a workable treatment regimen, even when trying natural remedies.

Maintaining a diary journal migraine or headache may be useful in identifying triggers and effective migraine remedies.