What Nigerian Foods are Low on the Glycemic Index?


Glycemic Index (GI) is the magical compass that guides us through this gastronomic odyssey. Picture a scale where foods are ranked based on how swiftly they transform into glucose once devoured.

Foods with a high GI are like eager beavers, causing blood sugar levels to skyrocket like fireworks on New Year’s Eve. On the flip side, low GI foods enter the bloodstream with the grace of ballet dancers, maintaining steady glucose levels, preventing sugar rushes, and keeping hunger at bay.

In todays article, we will be discussing the Nigerian foods that are low in Glycemic Index. Keep reading below.

Nigerian Foods That are Low in Glycemic Index


Foods that are low on the glycemic index (GI) are those that cause a gradual rise in blood sugar levels. These foods are generally beneficial for managing blood sugar levels and providing sustained energy. Some examples of low GI foods in Nigeria include:

  • Maize pudding (igbangwu)
  • Dried beef floss (dambu)
  • Fonio (acha)
  • Bean pudding (moi-moi)
  • Tom Brownvita (Turnbrown)
  • Boiled beans served with stew (GI: 56)
  • Akara (GI: 54)
  • Oatmeal
  • Millet porridge
  • Cornmeal porridge

The above foods are not only low in glycemic index but also part of the traditional Nigerian diet, making them accessible and culturally relevant for managing blood sugar levels.

Why is Glycemic Index Important for People with Diabetes?

Foods are classified as low, medium, or high GI, with values ranging from 0 to 100. Low GI foods (55 or less) have a slower and lower impact on blood sugar, while high GI foods (70 or above) cause a more rapid and higher increase in blood sugar.

The GI is important for people with diabetes because it helps in managing blood sugar levels. Choosing low GI foods can lead to improved blood sugar regulation and may help with weight management.

It is a useful tool for meal planning, as it allows individuals to make informed choices about the carbohydrates they consume, ultimately aiding in better blood sugar control.

Why is it Important to Eat Low Glycemic Index Foods?

Eating low glycemic index (GI) foods is important because it helps:

  • Lower blood sugar levels
  • Improve blood sugar regulation
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes
  • Aid in weight loss
  • Promote better metabolic control
  • Reduce the risk of complications associated with diabetes
  • Increase satiety and help with food intake control
  • Provide a more balanced diet


Foods that are low on the glycemic index (GI) are those that cause a gradual and moderate increase in blood sugar levels after consumption. These foods are typically rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats, which contribute to slower digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.


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