8 Amazing Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts

Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts
Tiger nuts are edible tubers of sedge grass, Cyperus esculentus.

Tiger nuts are often referred to as earth almonds or chufa nuts. They are little roots (also called tubers). They are known as “tiger nuts” because of the stripes on their exteriors.

Tiger nuts have the same size as chickpeas and taste somewhat similar to coconut. They are fibrous, starchy, and a little challenging to chew. They are the ideal snack since you can savor their nutty and creamy flavor while still getting your recommended daily amount of fiber from them.

Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts
Tiger nuts are edible tubers of sedge grass, Cyperus esculentus.

Tiger nuts are edible tubers that date back to ancient Egypt. They are incredibly nutrient-dense due to the several powerful nutrients they contain, including carbohydrate, fat, and fiber as well as minerals like calcium, salt, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, and zinc. Many regions of Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Americas grow and consume tiger nuts.. Tiger nuts are also quite well-liked in Nigeria. It is known as “Aki Awusa” in the Igbo language, “Aya” in the Hausa language, and “Ofio” in the Yoruba language. They go by the name Chufa nuts as well. They are not only a tasty fruit, but they are also wholesome and good for you.

Nutritional Content of Tiger Nuts

An ounce of tiger nuts, which is equal to 30 grams, contains roughly:

  • Carbohydrates: 9 grams
  • Calories: 120
  • Fiber: 10 grams
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Fat: 1 gram
  • Vitamin E: or 278 percent of what is required on a daily basis
  • Iron: 10 percent of what is required on a daily basis
  • Zinc: 7 percent of what is required on a daily basis
  • Magnesium: 7 percent of what is required on a daily basis
  • Potassium: 5 percent of what is required on a daily basis
  • Vitamin B6: 5 percent of what is required on a daily basis
  • Vitamin C: 8 percent of what is required on a daily basis

Health Benefits Of Tiger Nuts

1. Enhances bone health

Calcium-dense diets are associated with stronger bones than calcium-deficient diets. Consuming tiger nuts is an excellent way to enhance your calcium intake because each serving provides an astounding 80 percent of the daily value that is advised for calcium intake.

Calcium is a vital mineral for bone health and plays an important role in the prevention of osteoporosis, a condition in which bones gradually become fragile and brittle with age. This may be of utmost significance for females, who, in comparison to males, have an increased likelihood of acquiring osteoporosis.

Calcium is essential for proper nerve function and the regulation of heart rate, and it helps promote cell growth and maintenance throughout your body. In addition to promoting bone health, calcium plays a role in blood clotting and the contraction of muscles. It is also important for the regulation of heart rate. Consuming foods rich in calcium, such as tiger nuts, can help ensure that your body has the necessary amount of calcium to keep these systems operating normally.

2. Combats malnutrition

Tiger nuts are an excellent alternative to highly nutritious foods in the kinds of underdeveloped nations where only a small percentage of the population can afford such foods. This is because tiger nuts contain a significant amount of powerful nutrients that the body needs in order to function properly. These nutrients include carbohydrate, fat, fiber, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iron, iron, zinc, and just to name a few more.

3. Reduces blood sugar levels

Tiger nuts have been shown to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Animal research suggests that extract of tiger nuts can help lower levels of glucose in the blood. This may be attributed, in large part, to the high fiber content of the tubers, which may slow down the rate at which the gut absorbs sugar.

The protein found in tiger nuts also has a high concentration of the amino acid arginine, which has been shown to improve insulin production as well as insulin sensitivity. These two factors are critical for effective management of blood sugar levels.

However, it is important to note that the amount of arginine that was utilized in the human study that was quoted was nine grams, which is a significantly bigger quantity than the amount that can be found in a single serving of tiger nuts, which contains only one gram of protein.

In addition, investigations conducted in test tubes indicate that tiger nut extract may be able to suppress the function of carbohydrate-digesting enzymes found in your digestive tract.

As a result of this, it is possible that less sugar is absorbed from your gut, in a manner that is analogous to the impact of certain diabetic drugs that lower blood sugar. Although additional research in people is required, it is believed that this may have the ability to reduce blood sugar levels.

4. Enhances digestion

The edible tubers known as tiger nuts are able to promote healthy digestion as a result of certain qualities that they contain. To begin, tiger nuts have a considerable amount of insoluble fiber, which means it is not digested by the body as it travels through the digestive tract. This component increases the volume of the stool, making it easier for food to pass through the digestive tract unimpeded and, as a result, lowering the risk of experiencing constipation.
In addition, tiger nuts are thought to include a type of starch known as resistant starch. This particular type of fiber can help provide food for the beneficial bacteria that live in your digestive tract, which in turn makes the digestive process simpler and less difficult for you.
In addition, it is believed that tiger nuts include enzymes such as catalases, lipases, and amylases. Not only do these enzymes assist in the digestion process by breaking down food in the gut, but they also assist in easing symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, and diarrhea.

5. Increases libido

Tiger nuts have a long history of use as an aphrodisiac and have been known to increase libido. Tiger nuts have a long history of use in Africa as a remedy for erectile dysfunction and to boost sperm count in men. Their use has helped African men maintain a healthy sperm count for several generations.

A number of studies conducted on rats provide evidence that consuming tiger nuts on a regular basis can promote sexual activity. This is demonstrated by an increase in testosterone levels in the test subjects.

6. Lowers risk of cancer

Lowers risk of cancer

According to a number of studies, tiger nuts can help stave off cancer. This is due to the fact that they contain antioxidants as well as phenolic compounds, both of which prevent the growth of tumors. Antioxidants are substances that can be found in foods and are capable of assisting in the fight against free radicals. When present in high enough doses, free radicals can subject cells to oxidative stress, and this, in turn, can result in DNA damage. This may put you at a higher risk for developing some types of cancer.

The good news is that eating foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as tiger nuts, may protect against these consequences by helping to stop or prevent cell damage that would otherwise be caused by free radicals. It is claimed that consuming tiger nuts can reduce the chance of developing malignancies of the liver, colon, lung, and prostate by at least 20%. However, additional research on humans is required to more definitively establish these benefits.

In addition, preliminary research has found that tiger nuts contains significant concentrations of a plant component known as saponin. Saponin is thought to help prevent malignancies by preventing the growth and replication of cancer cells. In addition, these nuts have a high fiber content, which has been shown to reduce the chance of developing cancer because of its ability to flush carcinogens out of the body.

7. Prevents diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most significant health concerns facing world in the modern era.
People who have diabetes can derive a lot of benefit from eating tiger nuts since they have a high concentration of the insoluble dietary fiber that helps regulate blood sugar levels in the body. This helps diabetics maintain the highest possible level of health.
Tiger nuts are beneficial for people whose cholesterol levels are out of whack because they contain a significant amount of oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid that raises “good” HDL cholesterol and lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol in the body. People who have an imbalance in their cholesterol levels can also benefit from consuming tiger nuts.

8. Enhances immune system

Tiger nuts have been shown to have positive effects on the immune system.

In a study that was conducted in 2009, tiger nut extracts shown the highest level of efficiency against E. coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus germs.

These are some of the advantages that tiger nuts offer. One strategy for enhancing one’s health is to include them as fundamental components of one’s diet on a daily basis. In the next paragraph, we will discuss the many nutrients that can be found in tiger nuts and how they contribute to the overall healthfulness of these nuts.

Risks and Side Effects Of Tiger Nuts

There have been a few reports of people who are allergic to tiger nuts. However, allergic reactions are not very common. However, if you do suffer any reactions, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.


Tiger nuts are an intriguing ingredient to include in a diet that promotes health, despite the fact that they are not officially classified as nuts.

They have a high nutrient content, aid in digestion, and have the potential to ward off infections and a variety of diseases and disorders, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

It is important to keep in mind that these tubers have a high amount of fiber; therefore, individuals who are interested in incorporating them into their diet should do so in a progressive manner in order to prevent any uncomfortable bloating or gas that may result.