Why is Amlodipine Banned in Canada?


In this article, we’ll answer the question, “Why is amlodipine banned in Canada?”

This is a very important topic to cover up because many people has been asking and searching for the reason behind the banning of Amlodipine in Canada. If you are among those people, don’t worry we are here to provide answer to your question.


What is Amlodipine?

Amlodipine is a medication that falls into the category known as calcium channel blockers. It is prescribed to patients suffering from hypertension, chest pain (also known as angina), and other forms of heart failure.

It achieves this by relaxing the blood vessels in your body, which allows blood to move more freely through those vessels.

Amlodipine, also known as amlodipine besylate, has been on the market as an efficient medication for high blood pressure ever since it was first introduced in 1989.

Amlodipine’s mechanism of action slows the rate at which the heart beats and relaxes the muscles that surround the blood vessels. These effects contribute to a reduction in blood pressure and a lowered risk of stroke and heart attack in patients taking the medication.

What Are The Uses Of Amlodipine?

Amlodipine can be used with or without any other medications for the treatment of the following issues.

It is very important to know that Amlodipine can never be used for the treatment of chest pain anytime it occur. To treat chest pain please use other medications such as Nitroglycerin to relieve chest pain attack.

Why is Amlodipine Banned in Canada?

However , this is just a rumor and it is incorrect. Canada only put restriction on the sells of some drugs.

This happened because a report claimed that a woman took some form of calcium blockers and started developing some type of breast cancer. This drugs is still on sell in Canada but only on doctor’s prescription.

Another study with a large population showed convincing evidence that using CCBs does not increase the chance of developing cancer.

Concern has been voiced by public health and regulatory officials all around the world in response to the findings of this research, which appear to contradict one another.

This theory was debunked by a different study conducted on a much larger population, which found that calcium chain blockers did not increase the risk of cancer and provided evidence to support this claim. It was recalled by the FDA in February of 2020 owing to faulty bottles, which is another cause for this decision.

In spite of these concerns, amlodipine is not currently on the list of medications that are illegal in Canada. You can buy amlodipine in Canada if you have a prescription for it, and the health officials at the border will let you enter the country with either enough medication for a single course of therapy or a 90-day supply, whichever is less. This applies to both prescription and over-the-counter medications.

Side Effects Of Amlodipine

Even though it is not prohibited elsewhere in the world and can be prescribed in Canada, amlodipine, like all other medications, can lead to adverse effects in certain people. People who are more prone to encounter a larger range of adverse effects include those who are younger, older, have a medical condition such as liver or kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, seizures, and so on, as well as those who take other medications.

Amlodipine should not be given to children younger than 6 years old. One of its potential side effects is swelling in the legs or ankles. Low blood pressure is another potential side effect that requires prompt medical intervention (severe dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting).

There are a variety of symptoms, including increased chest discomfort or discomfort in the upper body, shortness of breath, breaking out in a cold sweat, unusual fatigue, nausea, and lightheadedness. Patients who have issues with their livers might need to take lower doses.

The use of amlodipine for an extended period of time may increase the risk of developing arterial and cardiac dysfunction. In addition to this, it is possible that it will induce some chronic adverse effects, such as heart failure. Monitoring the findings of an electrocardiogram, vital signs, the functioning of the respiratory system, glucose levels, renal function, electrolyte levels, and urine output are some of the things that can be done to control or handle the toxicity that can occur in the rare event of an overdose.

An excess of amlodipine can cause blood vessels to dilate, which can lead to severe hypotension as well as an increased heart rate. When fluid resuscitation is not enough to get the patient’s blood pressure back up to a normal level, vasopressors may be administered.


Amlodipine use over a prolonged period of time may lead to weakened arteries and malfunction in the heart. In addition to this, it can cause the blood vessels in the brain, heart, and kidneys to get damaged, which can result in a stroke, kidney failure, or heart failure.

It is also possible for it to damage the blood vessels in the brain, heart, and kidneys, which can result in a stroke, kidney failure, or heart failure.

Overdose toxicity can be monitored or treated by monitoring ECG readings, vital signs, respiratory system function, glucose levels, renal function, electrolyte levels, and other parameters. and the volume of pee.

An excess of amlodipine can cause blood vessels to dilate, which can lead to severe hypotension as well as an increased heart rate. When fluid resuscitation is not enough to get the patient’s blood pressure back up to a normal level, vasopressors may be administered.

Amlodipine may not be safe for some people to consume because they have other medical issues or are taking other medications.

Before beginning treatment with amlodipine, you should consult your physician if you are currently pregnant or nursing, if you have a history of stroke, kidney disease, or liver disease, or if you have one of these conditions.


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