RP 10 Pill: Things You Need To Know

RP Pill Oxycodone
RP Pill Oxycodone

It has been confirmed that the white, round pill with the markings “RP 10” contains 10 milligrams of oxycodone hydrochloride. Rhodes Pharmaceuticals L.P. is the company that supplied it. This medicine is prescribed to patients experiencing moderate to severe pain in order to provide pain relief.

Oxycodone is a member of the opioid analgesic drug class, which also includes hydrocodone. It works in the brain to change how the body feels pain and how it responds to it.

RP Pill Oxycodone

Uses of RP 10 Pill (Oxycodone)

Oxycodone, which is classified as an opioid, is a medication that is prescribed for patients who suffer from ongoing pain (narcotic analgesics). The FDA has not assigned the medicine any kind of pregnancy risk classification. According to the Controlled Substance Act (CSA), oxycodone 10 mg is a controlled substance that falls under the category of Schedule 2.

How does RP 10  work?

Oxycodone or the RP 10 tablet is an analgesic. That indicates that it is effective because it modifies the way in which the brain and nerve system perceive pain. The experience of pain is a sensation that travels down the nerves from the location of an injury to the brain. The RP 10 tablet, when taken, causes the nerve to lessen the quantity of signal that it transmits to the brain for interpretation.

The RP 10 tablet also works on the brain by stimulating the production of additional dopamine, which is the hormone that is responsible for positive emotions. This rise in dopamine levels hides the fact that there is pain, despite the fact that the same pharmacological action is responsible for its reduction.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that the effect that RP 10 has on the brain might result in catastrophic adverse effects, in particular when the drug is used in excess of the dosage that is prescribed. It works well as a painkiller, but if it is misused, it has the potential to harm internal organs.

Who can and cannot take RP 10 Pill (Oxycodone)

Oxycodone is safe for consumption by both adults and children older than one month.

The risk of side effects is higher in infants, young children, and the elderly.

Oxycodone is not an appropriate treatment option for some patients. Before beginning treatment with this medication, it is important that you inform your doctor if you have any of the following conditions:

  • have ever experienced an adverse reaction to any medicine, including oxycodone, in the past.
  • lung problems, asthma, or difficulty breathing are something you suffer from.
  • suffer from alcoholism or alcohol dependence.
  • have a condition or brain injury that causes seizure-like activity, often known as a fit.
  • have a thyroid gland that is not functioning properly (hypothyroidism).
  • have kidney or liver problems.
  • suffer from an enlarged prostate.
  • have a blood pressure that is low (hypotension).
  • suffer from a mental health condition that can be altered by the use of certain medications.
  • having had recent abdominal surgery or difficulties with their bowels.
  • if you are pregnant, if you are attempting to get pregnant, or if you are already pregnant and breastfeeding.

Side Effects of RP 10 (Oxycodone)

More than one in every one hundred individuals will experience a common side effect.. Talk to your healthcare provider or a pharmacist if any of the following side effects continue to bother you or do not go away:

Adult side effects

  • nausea and vomiting
  • constipation
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • lightheadedness
  • drowsiness
  • weakness or lack of energy
  • severe itching
  • dry mouth
  • sweating
  • trouble falling or staying asleep
  • itching of the skin

Children’s side effects for oxycodone (the extended-release tablets only) can include:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • constipation
  • headache
  • fever

Serious side effects

Less than one person in every one hundred will experience a serious side effect. Please get medical help if you have:

  • muscle stiffness
  • feel dizzy, tired and have low energy – this could be a sign of low blood pressure (hypotension)

RP 10 Pill Interaction

It is fairly uncommon to receive a prescription for oxycodone in addition to another pain reliever. Acetaminophen is a pain reliever that is used with some different types of oxycodone. In circumstances in which the two medications are not contained within the same pill, separate prescriptions may be written for them: one to treat chronic pain and the other to provide relief from acute pain.

On the other hand, the RP 10 tablet may have an adverse effect when combined with some drugs. Some of them have the potential to produce life-threatening complications or even death. They are as follows:

  • Stimulants and Medications for depression.
  • Medications for Parkinson’s disease
  • Other narcotic medications
  • Sedatives
  • Alcohol

Before you start taking an RP 10 pill that was prescribed to you, your doctor should be aware of all the medications you are currently taking.


Oxycodone, often known as RP 10 pill, is a narcotic painkiller that is available only with a doctor’s prescription. It is typically used to treat moderate to severe pain that is unresponsive to treatment with less potent analgesics. It is a drug that can only be obtained with a doctor’s prescription because it is very addictive.

People who have a history of addiction or who have health problems that are related to an organ should not take the RP 10 tablet since it causes several simple and deadly side effects. These people should also avoid taking the pill altogether.

If, after taking the RP 10 pill, you have symptoms like as sweating and a fever, you should contact your physician as soon as possible.


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