Guava Seeds: Nutrition and Health Benefits

Nutritional Contents of Guava Seeds

Guava is a nutritious and delicious fruit that provides many important vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C, Niacin, Iron, Potassium, Manganese, Vitamin A, Thiamine, Calcium, and Phosphorus. With a taste reminiscent of strawberries and pears, guava is also a great source of fiber and hydration.

Not only does it have a variety of health benefits, including being an effective remedy for digestive issues, reducing the risk of diabetes, promoting fertility, aiding in weight loss, and improving skin health, but it also possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, sedative, digestive, anti-hyperglycemic, antibiotic, and carminative properties.

To receive all of these amazing benefits, try incorporating guava into your daily diet.

Nutritional Contents of Guava Seeds

A research study conducted in 2014 aimed to examine the nutrient composition, fatty acid profile, and active compounds of guava seeds.

The results showed that the seeds were a rich source of micronutrients, including fiber (63.94 g/100g), protein (11.19 g/100g), iron (13.8 mg/100g), zinc (3.31 mg/100g), and had low calorie content (182 kcal/100g). The lipid profile of the seeds was found to be dominated by unsaturated fatty acids, particularly linoleic and oleic acid. Additionally, the study identified significant amounts of beneficial compounds such as ascorbic acid, carotenoids, and dietary fiber.

Health Benefits of Guava Seeds

Nutritional Contents of Guava Seeds
1. Management of cholesterol levels

The presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids in guava seeds helps regulate cholesterol levels. These seeds are also rich in fiber, which prevents bile absorption in the intestines. To compensate for the loss of bile, the liver produces bile salts. As a result, cholesterol levels in the blood decrease, as the body increases the production of LDL receptors through the production of bile salts.

2. Constipation Treatment

If you frequently consume fast food and processed snacks, it’s common to experience constipation as these foods often contain large amounts of unhealthy oils that disrupt regular bowel movements. To overcome this, you need to add sources of fiber to your diet. Guava seeds are a great option, as they aid in digestion and improve overall gut health.

3. Good for Blood Pressure

If you’re struggling with high blood pressure, incorporating guava into your diet may be beneficial. Guava contains a higher amount of potassium compared to a medium-sized banana, with 60% more potassium. Adequate potassium consumption is linked to regulating blood pressure. The seeds and fruit of guava also provide antioxidant properties and bioactive compounds that help control glycemia, triglycerides, and weight, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. Good for Diabetes patients

If you’re one of the many people affected by diabetes, it’s important to adopt a healthy lifestyle to manage the condition. This includes exercising and consuming nutritious foods, particularly those rich in dietary proteins. These proteins are important for breaking down sugar and its compounds, allowing you to maintain better control over your blood sugar levels.

4. Decreases Prostate Cancer Risk

Guava both the fruit and seeds are believed to have anti-cancer properties. It contains high amounts of lycopene, which is effective in preventing prostate cancer. Additionally, it can also help in reducing the growth of breast cancer cells. The antioxidants found in guava help to fight against harmful free radicals in the body and prevent cancer. Furthermore, guava seed extracts have shown to provide anti-cancer effects against both blood-related and solid tumors.

5. Nutritious in Nature

Eating guava seeds can help meet your daily nutritional needs due to the presence of essential nutrients and amino acids.

Ways to Consume Guava Seeds

Here are some ways to consume guava seeds for optimal health benefits:

  1. Eat them raw: The easiest way to consume guava seeds is by eating them raw. Simply bite into the fruit, chew on the seeds, and swallow them. This will give you the full range of nutrients that guava seeds have to offer.
  2. Blend them into smoothies: If you don’t like the texture of guava seeds, you can blend them into smoothies. This is a great way to consume guava seeds in a tasty and convenient manner. Simply blend some guava, along with other fruits and vegetables, to make a delicious and nutritious smoothie.
  3. Make tea: Boil guava seeds in water to make a tea. This will not only provide you with a delicious beverage, but also with the nutrients that guava seeds have to offer.
  4. Make guava seed oil: Guava seed oil is a healthy alternative to other oils used for cooking. Simply extract the oil from the seeds and use it to cook or bake.
  5. Powder the seeds: If you don’t like the texture of guava seeds, you can grind them into a powder. This powder can be added to smoothies, soups, or sauces for added nutrition.

Caution to Note While Eating Guava Seeds

Guava seeds cannot get lodged in the kidneys as the kidneys are not connected to the digestive system or the stomach. However, there is a chance that the seeds can become trapped in the appendix, which is a condition known as diverticulitis. In this scenario, the seeds can lead to inflammation of the small pouches in the intestines. To avoid this, it is advisable to not consume excessive amounts of guava seeds at once.


In conclusion, guava seeds are a nutritious and delicious addition to any diet. Incorporating them into your daily meals can help improve your overall health.


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