Is it possible to regrow receding gums? What You Should Know

receding gums

Healthy gums provide a tight seal around the visible portion of the teeth, known as the “crown.” Gum recession is a condition in which the gums peel away or recede, exposing the roots below the surface of the teeth.

The roots of the teeth, in contrast to the crowns of the teeth, do not have a protective enamel coating. As a result, the exposed roots become delicate and more susceptible to deterioration.

Once the gum tissue has retreated away from the teeth, it will not be able to regrow. Some treatments, on the other hand, can aid in the restoration of gum tissue surrounding the teeth.

This article discusses the several types of treatments for receding gums. We also offer advice on how to reduce and even halt its progression if this is the case.

Causes of receding gums

There are a variety of conditions that might cause the gums to recede, some of which are as follows:

Periodontal disease

Receding gums can be caused by periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease, often known as gum disease, is an infection and inflammation of the gums and other structures in the mouth that is caused by bacteria.

This inflammation is caused by an accumulation of bacterial deposits, which are referred to as plaque.

The following are examples of factors that may cause or contribute to periodontal disease:

  • a lack of oral hygiene
  • crooked teeth
  • damaged or faulty fillings
  • bridges or partial dental implants that no longer fit
  • a biological propensity
  • anxiety
  • hormonal issues associated with pregnancy or oral contraceptives
  • therapies that trigger dry mouth
  • some such immune abnormalities
  • smoking or the use of any psychoactive drug

Periodontal disease appears in two stages.


Periodontitis is a more advanced stage of periodontal disease that can result in the receding of the gums.

As the gums and connective tissues peel away from the tooth, a pocket emerges between the tooth and the gum, which becomes a breeding ground for bacteria to thrive. Over time, the bacteria contribute to additional inflammation.

It is possible for the gums to recede too far, resulting in bone loss, which can cause teeth to become loose or fall out.


Gingivitis is characterized by gum redness, swelling, and, in some cases, bleeding. Gingivitis can develop to periodontitis if left untreated for an extended period of time.

Brushing with too much force or in the wrong way

Brushing teeth wrongly
Gum recession can be triggered by improper tooth cleaning techniques.

It is necessary to brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis in order to maintain appropriate oral hygiene. It is conceivable, however, that using an ineffective brushing technique can actually cause gum recession in the long run.

When it comes to the gingival margin, it refers to the portion of the gum that comes into contact with the tooth’s crown or root. Gum inflammation and recession can occur when you brush improperly or too violently, which can be caused by improper or excessive brushing of the gingival edge.

Gingival recession can be induced by a number of factors, some of which are as follows:

  • Using a toothbrush with a hard or medium-hard bristle
  • horizontally brushing the teeth in a broad, horizontal motion
  • putting an excessive amount of pressure

Grinding and clenching of the teeth

Some people sleep with their top and bottom teeth grinding together.

During the act of tooth grinding, the gums are subjected to tremendous pressure, which can cause them to recede over time.

Teeth grinding can also cause teeth to become loose in their sockets, which is a painful condition. Grinding generates deep pockets between the tooth and the gum, which serve as a breeding ground for bacteria to thrive. Gum inflammation is caused by these bacteria, which can exacerbate the condition of gum recession.


Direct damage to the gum tissue may cause the gums to recede in the affected area.. These types of injuries can arise in the following situations:

  • during a fall or other accident
  • during dental procedures
  • while wearing ill fitting partial dentures
  • while playing contact sports


The therapy for receding gums is determined on the underlying cause of the condition. The following steps can aid in the reattachment or restoration of gum tissue surrounding the teeth:

Scaling and root planing

Scaling and root planing are two of the first treatments that a dentist can prescribe for receding gums.

These methods remove plaque and tartar from below the gumline, where conventional brushing and flossing are unable to effectively remove them.

Root planing is a dental procedure that eliminates plaque and tartar from the bases of teeth. Following that, a dentist will use special equipment to smooth the roots, which will aid in the reattachment of the gums to the tooth.

Gum graft surgery

Gum graft surgery (GGS) may be recommended by a dentist if a person’s gums have become significantly receding.

The procedure involves a surgeon taking a tiny piece of gum tissue from elsewhere in the mouth and using it to cover the exposed tooth roots throughout the procedure.

GGS helps to prevent bone loss and gum recession by keeping the gums from receding further. It can also help to keep the previously exposed tooth roots from becoming decayed in the future.

Pinhole surgical technique

When it comes to mild to moderate receding gums, pinhole surgical technique (PST) is a relatively recent therapeutic option.

When doing PST, the dentist makes a small incision in the gum tissue above the exposed tooth root. This is a minimally invasive treatment.

In order to remove the gum from the tooth, a dentist will introduce a specific instrument into the hole. After that, they will stretch and place the gum back over the exposed tooth root.

Preventive methods

The following suggestions can assist you in slowing or stopping the progression of receding gums:

Practice good oral hygiene

  • brushing your teeth with an antiseptic mouthwash to decrease germs and remove debris
  • At least once a day, flossing between the teeth using fluoride toothpaste is recommended.
  • Brushes should be replaced every 2–4 months at the very least.
  • The accompanying oral hygiene recommendations might be beneficial:
  • Brushing your teeth twice a day using a soft bristles toothbrush is recommended.
  • picking out the right size and form of toothbrush to enable for thorough brushing in all areas of the mouth
  • maintaining a regular schedule of dental appointments

Make use of the proper brushing technique

It is possible to avoid receding gums by brushing with the proper technique while cleaning teeth.

According to the American Dental Association, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • 45-degree angle against the gums is a good starting point for brushing.
  • Sweep the toothbrush back and forth with short, tight strokes, using moderate pressure.
  • Brush the exterior and inner surfaces of the teeth, as well as the chewing surfaces, with a soft bristled toothbrush.
  • 2 minutes shpuld be the maximum amount of time spent brushing your teeth
  • Holding the toothbrush vertically when cleaning the inner surfaces of the front teeth is recommended.

People can also consult with their dentist for advice on how to adjust this approach to better manage their receding gums.

Use a mouthguard to protect your teeth.

Teeth grinding causes gum recession, and wearing a mouthguard at night can help prevent this from happening. Mouthguards help to maintain equal pressure throughout the jaw and function as a physical barrier to keep the top and bottom teeth apart during sports activities.

Most pharmacies have mouthguards.  A dentist can also create a mouthguard that is specifically tailored to the patient’s needs, resulting in a superior fit.

Dentures that are not fitting properly should be replaced.

A dentist can provide guidance on the most effective therapy for gum recession.
A dentist can provide guidance on the most effective therapy for gum recession.

After a period of time, partial dentures that were previously an excellent fit may become incompatible with the mouth. This can occur for a variety of causes, including the following:

  • the bone and gum ridges shrinking over time
  • differences in jaw alignment
  • general wear and tear of the partial dentures

Inadequately fitting partial dentures can chafe and irritate the gums, causing the gums to retreat away from healthy teeth around the edges. People can avoid this by changing partial dentures as often as they are required.

Visit the dentist on a regular basis

The importance of frequent dental examinations cannot be overstated when it comes to recognizing the early stages of gum recession.

The dentist can discover and replace any defective fillings or poorly fitting partial dentures that may be contributing to receding gums during routine checkups.


Once the gums have retreated, they will not be able to regrow. Some therapies, on the other hand, have the potential to reconnect and rebuild gum tissue surrounding the teeth.

Gum recession can be prevented, slowed, or stopped by practicing proper oral hygiene and seeing the dentist on a regular basis.

People should consult with their dentist for specific recommendations on how to prevent and cure receding gums.

