What are the treatments for heel pain?

Choosing comfortable shoes

Walking, running, and leaping may all place a great degree of stress on the feet and ankles. Despite the fact that the feet are strong and can withstand significant amounts of force, pressure can build up and heel discomfort can occur.

Runing, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, results in an impact that is about three times the weight of a person.

Although a variety of variables can contribute to heel pain, plantar fasciitis is one of the most frequently seen.

This article examines the many therapies and exercises that may be used to alleviate heel pain, as well as the various causes of heel pain.


Self-care treatments for plantar fasciitis can be effective in reducing the discomfort and inflammation associated with the condition.

In certain circumstances, a person may simply require home therapy to give them with all of the relief they require.

Self-care therapies such as the ones listed below can be beneficial:

Home treatment options

Plantar fasciitis causes
Plantar fasciitis is a heel inflammation that affects the arch of the foot.

The following therapies are available for self-administration in the comfort of your own home:

  • Ice: Apply ice three or four times a day for roughly 15 minutes at a time. It might be painful to apply ice directly to the skin. Instead, people should wrap an ice pack in a moist towel and lay it on the heel of their shoes..
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): NSAIDs may also be beneficial in alleviating pain and inflammation.
  • Orthotics: Foot orthotics are custom foot supports. A person places them in the shoes. Orthotics can assist to support the arch of the foot, which helps to equally distribute the weight that is exerted on the heel when someone walks. Arch supports can be purchased over-the-counter, or a physician can prescribe ones that are specifically tailored to your needs.
  • Splint: Wearing a splint at night may also be beneficial. The splint helps to stretch the arch and calf muscles, which may help to alleviate pain.
  • Switching activities: In addition, switching from high-impact sports such as jogging to exercises that are less stressful on the heel may be beneficial for some individuals. Swimming and walking are examples of low-impact activities.

Medical treatment options

Although home therapies for plantar fasciitis can help to alleviate heel pain, they may not always be effective.

If at-home therapy fails, a doctor may suggest additional medical therapies, such as:

  • Steroid injections:Steroid injections may be used if heel discomfort continues. An anti-inflammatory steroid medicine is injected into the heel by the doctor. The fascia can be weakened by frequent steroid injections, thus they should not be administered too regularly.
  • Surgery: This can be a possible last resort. Heel pain can be relieved by a variety of surgical techniques. A technique termed a plantar fascia release, for example, involves cutting the fascia in half to relieve stress in the tissue.

Exercises to do

Stretches for plantar fasciiti
Heel pain can be relieved by performing specific stretches.

Plantar fasciitis can cause workouts to be disrupted.

Continued participation in some activities might aggravate heel discomfort, but being inactive and avoiding exercise is not healthy.

Even if you have plantar fasciitis, you can still exercise. The trick is to stay away from activities that put a lot of pressure on the heel.

Rowing, swimming, and lifting weights are examples of exercises that do not often entail heel impact.

Stretches for plantar fasciitis

Certain stretches, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, can help relieve heel discomfort and prevent plantar fasciitis recurrence.

People who suffer morning plantar fasciitis discomfort should perform the following stretches as soon as they wake up.

Seated Fascia Stretch

  1. Sit in a cross-legged position at the end of the bed or a chair.
  2. Place the affected foot over the knee of the other leg.
  3. Grab the heel of the painful foot with one hand and the toes with the other hand.
  4. Gently pull up on the toes, while at the same time pulling up on the heel. Bending the toes up stretches the fascia.
  5. Bending the ankle up stretches the Achilles tendon, which may help decrease pain.
  6. Hold the stretch for about 10 seconds.
  7. Relax the foot and repeat 10 to 20 times. If both feet are experiencing pain, repeat the exercise on the other foot.

Seated Ankle Pumps

  1. Sitting in a chair, hold the leg out straight and flex and extend at the ankle joint.
  2. This exercise stretches both the fascia and the calf muscle.
  3. Hold the stretch for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times on each foot.

Standing Calf Stretch

  1. Place both hands on a wall, keep the back leg straight, and place the heel down.
  2. Pull the hips forward towards the wall until the stretch is felt in the back of the lower leg.
  3. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat several times.
  4. If the heel on the opposite leg hurts, repeat the stretch on that leg too.


A ligament that runs beneath the soles of the feet is known as the plantar fascia. It supports the arch and links the heel bones to the front of the foot.

The fascia acts as a shock absorber in most cases, but continuous stress to the heel can cause microscopic rips in the tissue. Plantar fasciitis is a condition caused by tissue injury in the fascia.

Plantar fasciitis can be caused by a variety of factors. High-impact exercises and sports that require a lot of leaping might cause the ligament to become irritated. High heels can also put a strain on the fascia.

Working in a profession that demands a lot of standing or walking increases the risk of acquiring the disease. Plantar fasciitis is more prone to occur in those who have flat feet. When someone walks with flat feet, their weight is distributed unevenly, putting additional tension and pressure on the fascia.


Choosing comfortable shoes
Choosing a set of comfortable shoes can assist to alleviate the symptoms of heel pain.

Stretching can assist to alleviate the symptoms of plantar fasciitis as well as prevent the problem from worsening. A few actions, in addition to stretching, may help avoid plantar fasciitis.

People might begin by putting on the proper footwear. High heels should be avoided since they might cause heel tension. Shoes with a modest heel and strong arch support may be beneficial.

Always wear shoes and prevent going barefoot for extended periods of time. Heel discomfort might result from the absence of support.

Athletic shoes support and cushion the feet well. Running or sports shoes should be replaced every 500 miles, according to a 2011 research. To avoid plantar fasciitis, begin cautiously and gradually increase the intensity of your workout.


Plantar fasciitis is characterized by discomfort in the heel and, in some cases, the arch of the foot.

The discomfort is generally modest at first, and individuals commonly experience it after getting out of bed in the morning or after sitting for a long time. Although pain levels vary, discomfort usually subsides after a few minutes of walking.

Plantar fasciitis may be excruciatingly painful, and problems might arise. Scar tissue can form if the fascia is inflamed for an extended period of time. This may make it more difficult to address the illness.

Plantar fasciitis can cause discomfort in other parts of the body as well. When someone suffers heel discomfort, for example, they may modify their walking style without recognizing it.

Changes in bodily movements might cause knee, hip, and back disorders.

  • http://www.orthoinfo.org/topic.cfm?topic=A00318
  • http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=a00149
  • https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/312381
  • http://www.aofas.org/footcaremd/conditions/ailments-of-the-heel/pages/plantar-fasciitis.aspx
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3228510/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3687890/