7 Helpful Tips On How To Sleep With A Kidney Stent

Helpful Tips On How To Sleep With A Kidney Stent
Helpful Tips On How To Sleep With A Kidney Stent

7 Helpful Tips On How To Sleep With A Kidney Stent

It can be difficult to sleep with a kidney stent at times. In this article, we’ll go over the fundamentals of kidney stents, including why they’re used, potential side effects, and tips for finding comfortable sleeping positions.

What Exactly is a Kidney Stent?

A kidney or ureteral stent is a thin plastic tube that is implanted in your body to assist urine flow from your kidney to your bladder. It is usually only temporary, but in some cases it may be required for a longer period of time. The stent is inserted during a simple outpatient procedure and is completely hidden from view.

If an ordinary kidney stent cannot be used, a different type known as a nephrostomy catheter may be inserted. This catheter drains urine directly into an external bag. This is only done when scarring or other factors prevent the proper placement of a standard stent.

Types of Kidney Stent

Depending on the reason for the procedure, there are two types of kidney stents.

  • The first type is a standard kidney stent, which can only be removed by a healthcare professional during a separate procedure.
  • The second type is a stent with a string. This type allows you to remove the stent yourself after a set period of time.

According to research, patients who have a string stent may have more nighttime disturbances than those who have a standard stent.

When are kidney stents inserted and what are the challenges?

A ureteric stent is sometimes used as an emergency measure to bypass a ureter blockage caused by kidney stones or following ureter surgery. It is usually only temporary and will be replaced by a permanent procedure later. The stent aids in the prevention of blockage and swelling.

Unfortunately, stent symptoms are common and can make many people uncomfortable. These symptoms may resemble cystitis, but they do not always necessitate antibiotics. Blood in urine (which can worsen after strenuous activity), urgency and frequent urination, kidney pain (especially when urinating), bladder discomfort, and a burning sensation during urination are all common symptoms.

Side Effects of Having a Kidney Stent

Most people will not notice any significant changes after receiving a kidney stent. However, some people may experience tingling sensations after using the restroom for a few days.

Patients may experience the following symptoms in certain cases or if complications arise:

  • Increased urination
  • Stent blockage or displacement
  • Bleeding
  • Cramps
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Kidney pain
  • Sensation of feeling the stent in place
  • Infections, including urinary tract infections
  • Irritation in the bladder

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor to address any concerns you may have.

Tips On How To Sleep With A Kidney Stent

Helpful Tips On How To Sleep With A Kidney Stent
Helpful Tips On How To Sleep With A Kidney Stent

Follow these tips to sleep better with a kidney stent:

  • Time your fluid intake: Drink plenty of water during the day, but try to reduce consumption in the late evening to minimize nighttime bathroom trips.
  • Avoid late-night physical activity: Exercise can increase discomfort with a kidney stent, so avoid intense workouts close to bedtime. Consult your doctor about safe exercises during this time.
  • Increase fiber intake: Constipation can worsen stent-related discomfort. Include more fiber-rich foods in your diet to promote regular bowel movements.
  • Practice good sleep hygiene: Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, keep your bedroom dark and cool, and limit screen time before bed to improve sleep quality.
  • Consult your doctor: Before trying sleeping pills or supplements, talk to your doctor for guidance. They can also advise on the safety of over-the-counter pain medications.


To summarize, sleeping with a kidney stent can be difficult, but by following some helpful tips, you can enhance your sleep quality. Important actions to consider include timing your fluid consumption, limiting late-night physical activity, boosting fiber intake, practicing excellent sleep hygiene, and visiting your doctor. Remember to express any concerns or symptoms to your healthcare practitioner so that they can provide further guidance and support during your stent experience.


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