7 Months Pregnancy Exercises for Normal Delivery (Third trimester)

Squats  exercises during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special and exciting time, but giving birth can be a challenging and physically demanding experience. When a baby is born naturally, the uterus contracts very hard and puts pressure on the cervix, bladder, and other organs. The birth canal also stretches, which can be very painful. To get ready for the challenges of labor and delivery, you should strengthen your body and build mental and physical toughness.

Exercise during the third trimester of pregnancy can help prepare your body for childbirth and make the process easier and smoother. Most of the time, it’s safe to exercise during the third trimester, but it’s important to choose the right exercises and follow care instructions.

Some simple exercises that may help to prepare your body for childbirth during the third trimester include Pilates , kegel exercises, and squats. These exercises can help to strengthen the pelvic muscles and improve your endurance and strength.

Check below for the those simply exercises and the instructions to follow.

Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is generally safe and recommended to engage in physical activity. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider, such as an obstetrician or midwife, before starting an exercise routine to ensure that it is appropriate for your specific situation. Some high risk complications may make exercise unsafe, so it is important to discuss any concerns with a healthcare professional. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends exercise for those with a normal and healthy pregnancy.

7 Month Pregnancy Exercises

1. Cardio and aerobic exercises (Walking, swimming)

benefits of walking during pregnancy

Cardio and aerobic exercises are simple and effective ways to keep your body fit and healthy during pregnancy. These exercises help to increase your oxygen intake and provide oxygen to your baby, which can be beneficial for both your health and the health of your child. Some examples of cardio and aerobic exercises that may be suitable for pregnant women include walking, jogging, swimming, aqua Zumba, treadmill workouts, and cycling.

As you approach the final month of pregnancy, it is important to take care of your body and prepare it for the rigors of labor and delivery. By incorporating cardio and aerobic exercises into your routine, you can help to maintain your fitness and well-being during this time.

It is also important to choose exercises that are safe and appropriate for your stage of pregnancy, and to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or questions. By following a regular exercise routine and taking care of your body, you can help to ensure a safe and healthy childbirth experience.

2. Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises during pregnancy

Kegel exercises are a type of exercise that can help to strengthen the muscles in the pelvic region. These exercises can be beneficial for pregnant women, as they can help to prepare the body for childbirth and improve the strength and firmness of the vaginal muscles.

Kegel exercises may also help to reduce fatigue, incontinence, and urinary tract infections. When performed regularly, these exercises can help to increase the strength of the pelvic muscles, which may make it easier to push the baby out during delivery.

To perform Kegel exercises, you will need to tighten and release the muscles surrounding the pelvis for ten to twenty seconds at a time. You can do this exercise ten to twenty times a day, with regular breaks in between.

Kegel exercises are simple and easy to perform, and they can be done anytime, anywhere, without the need for any special equipment. By incorporating Kegel exercises into your routine during pregnancy, you can help to prepare your body for childbirth and improve your overall health and well-being.

3. Squats 

Squats  exercises during pregnancy

Squats are a type of exercise that are known for their ability to reduce the duration of labor and make the delivery process easier. These exercises are a lower body workout that help to widen the pelvic gap and improve the flexibility and movement of the muscles in the pelvic region. This can make it easier for the baby to emerge during delivery.

To perform squats, you will need minimal or no equipment. Simply stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower yourself down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Repeat this exercise about twenty times per day.

Squats are a simple and effective way to prepare your body for childbirth and improve your overall strength and endurance. By incorporating these exercises into your routine during pregnancy, you can help to improve your chances of a smooth and successful delivery.

4. Lunges

Lunges exercises during pregnancy
(Photo: Skinny Mom / PopCulture.com)

Lunges are a type of lower body exercise that focus on the movement of the hips. These exercises can be especially beneficial for pregnant women, as they can help to provide more space for the fetus to turn around and descend during childbirth. Lunges are simple to perform and do not require any equipment.

To perform a lunge, stand straight and take a long step forward with one of your legs. Stretch the leg out until it is bent near the knee and the back leg is stretched out on the toes. You may need to use the support of a family member, trainer, or wall to maintain your balance and position.

Repeat the exercise ten times on each leg. By incorporating lunges into your routine during pregnancy, you can help to prepare your body for childbirth and improve your overall strength and mobility.


Exercising during pregnancy can help alleviate various discomforts such as back pain, constipation, fatigue, and swelling. It may also reduce the risk of developing certain pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and the need for a cesarean delivery.

Additionally, exercise can promote heart health for both the mother and baby both during and after pregnancy.


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