Amazing 9 Health Benefits of Eating Turkey Meat

Health Benefits of Eating Turkey Meat

Turkeys are large birds originally from North America that are found in the wild and on farms. Their meat, known simply as turkey, is a common poultry dish globally.

In 2019, Americans consumed 5.3 billion pounds of turkey, around 16.1 pounds per person. On Thanksgiving in 2017, 44 million turkeys were enjoyed.

Turkey meat is rich in nutrients and a popular protein source worldwide. In this blog post, we are going to discuss the nutritional value and health benefits of turkey meat.

Nutritional Content of Turkey Meat

A 100-gram serving of roasted turkey meat with skin provides:

  • 190 calories
  • 30.9g protein
  • 7.4g fat
  • 2.3g saturated fat
  • 2.7g monounsaturated fat
  • 1.8g polyunsaturated fat
  • 2.4mg zinc
  • 17mcg selenium
  • 10.1g vitamin B3

Remember that these values can change based on the meat’s cut. For lean options, like breast meat, use it in stir-fries; for tougher cuts with more connective tissue, like darker meat, opt for longer cooking methods like stewing.

Roasting turkey may dry it out due to its low fat content. Combining lean breast meat with moist foods or brining before cooking can help keep it succulent.

9 Health Benefits of Eating Turkey Meat

Health Benefits of Eating Turkey Meat

Turkey Meat May Promote Heart Health

Research suggests that diets low in saturated fat and high in lean protein can contribute to heart health by improving cholesterol levels, reducing inflammation, and maintaining healthy blood pressure.

Turkey Meat Contains Low amounts of saturated fat

Turkey meat is naturally low in saturated fat, which is linked to heart disease and other health issues. Substituting higher-fat meats with lean turkey can contribute to improved cardiovascular health.

Turkey Meat is High in Vitamins and Minerals

Turkey is rich in essential nutrients like vitamin B3 (niacin), zinc, and selenium. Vitamin B3 supports energy metabolism and skin health, while zinc and selenium play crucial roles in immune function and antioxidant defense against cell damage.

May Help with Weight Management

Incorporating turkey into a balanced diet can aid in weight management due to its high protein content. Protein helps increase feelings of fullness and satiety, which may lead to reduced calorie intake.

Turkey Meat is Rich in Lean Protein

Turkey is an excellent source of high-quality protein, containing all essential amino acids necessary for muscle repair, growth, and overall body function. Protein-rich diets have been associated with improved muscle mass, weight management, and metabolic health.

Turkey Meat Contains Tryptophan

Turkey contains tryptophan, an amino acid that serves as a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood regulation, sleep, and appetite control. Adequate serotonin levels are crucial for overall mental well-being.

Turkey Meat May Help boost metabolism

Vitamin B3, found in turkey meat, is involved in converting food into energy through metabolic processes. A well-functioning metabolism is essential for maintaining energy levels and a healthy weight.

Turkey Meat May Help With Muscle Maintenance and Aging

With aging, maintaining muscle mass becomes increasingly important for overall health and mobility. The protein content in turkey can support muscle preservation and prevent age-related muscle loss.

Best for Nutrient-Dense food

Turkey provides a range of essential nutrients in a relatively low-calorie package. Choosing nutrient-dense foods like turkey can contribute to a well-rounded and balanced diet.

Frequent Asked Question

Is turkey meat good for your health?
Yes, turkey meat is a lean protein source with various nutrients that can be part of a healthy diet.

What is turkey meat called?
It’s simply referred to as turkey meat.

Is turkey meat better than chicken meat?
Both turkey meat and chicken meat are lean meats, so they offer similar health benefits. It often depends on personal preference.

Is turkey meat better than cow meat?
Turkey meat and cow meat have different nutritional profiles. Turkey is leaner, while beef can have more fat. Choosing depends on dietary goals.

Is turkey meat beef or pork?
Turkey meat is neither beef nor pork; it’s a type of poultry meat.

Is turkey meat good for the heart?
Yes, turkey meat is low in saturated fat and can be part of a heart-healthy diet.

Is turkey meat red meat?
Turkey is classified as poultry, which is generally considered white meat, not red meat.


Turkey is a high-calorie food that is abundant in protein and other nutrients. Consume turkey meat in moderation to reap the benefits of its health benefits.

Turkey is suitable for people of all ages. If you are allergic to turkey meat, see your doctor before eating it. The best turkey is a naturally cooked turkey. Please avoid processed turkey meat because it is high in sodium and contains additives and preservatives that may be harmful to your health.


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