Can I Drain a Thrombosed Hemorrhoid Myself?

Can I Drain a Thrombosed Hemorrhoid Myself?

It is technically possible to drain a thrombosed hemorrhoid on your own, but this is not advised due to the risk of serious complications that might necessitate medical attention. People may experience hemorrhoids of the thrombosed type.

At least 25% of people will experience hemorrhoids at some point in their lives, making them a common condition.

Before considering self-treatment, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of what a thrombosed hemorrhoid is and how a doctor can drain one to help manage pain and ease discomfort.

What Exactly is Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins that can be found in the lower rectum or near the anus. They can form under the skin around the anus and are external or internal, meaning they are inside the rectum. Hemorrhoids can develop for a number of reasons, including increased pressure on the veins in the lower abdomen, straining during bowel movements, persistent diarrhea or constipation, pregnancy, or sitting for extended periods of time.

Types of Hemorrhoids

There are three different types of hemorrhoids, each with a unique location and potential complications. Although they frequently go away on their own, they can be uncomfortable and need to be attended to. The types are broken down as follows:

  1. Internal Hemorrhoids:
    • Found inside the rectum and usually don’t cause noticeable symptoms.
    • When symptomatic, they appear as moist bumps protruding from the anus and may bleed.
    • Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids can be painful and make sitting uncomfortable. Medical attention may be necessary.
  2. External Hemorrhoids:
    • Located under the skin around the anus and can be quite painful due to numerous pain fibers.
    • They appear as swollen lumps of stretched skin.
    • External hemorrhoids can lead to skin tags, which can cause itching, irritation, and infection.
  3. Thrombosed Hemorrhoids:
    • Both internal and external hemorrhoids can become thrombosed when blood clots inside them.
    • This condition brings certain complications that require attention.

What Exactly Causes Thrombosed Hemorrhoids?

Can I Drain a Thrombosed Hemorrhoid Myself?

Certain factors increase the risk of developing thrombosed hemorrhoids and other types. These risk factors include:

  • Constipation
  • Obesity
  • Lifting heavy things
  • Pregnancy
  • Sitting down for a long period of time
  • Straining for a long time during bowel movement

Can I Drain a Thrombosed Hemorrhoid Myself?

It might seem possible to drain a hemorrhoid on your own, but it is not advised. It’s important to comprehend why.

Hemorrhoids may present with symptoms that are similar to those of other anorectal conditions, such as itchiness, irritation, and rectal bleeding, which may indicate a more serious condition, such as colorectal cancer. Because of this, draining a hemorrhoid without a correct diagnosis may do more harm than good.

Try taking frequent Sitz baths to help manage the pain. This entails relaxing in warm water while sitting down.

To relieve pain and reduce swelling, a hemorrhoid is drained, but this procedure should only be carried out by a doctor who can evaluate the condition and suggest the best course of action. You run the risk of severe or uncontrollable bleeding if you try to drain a severely swollen thrombosed hemorrhoid without the necessary knowledge.

It is challenging to accurately assess your situation and stop the bleeding without medical training. Unexpected anemic symptoms can result from excessive blood loss, making the situation worse.

Additionally, self-draining a hemorrhoid can put undue pressure on the area, causing wounds and vessel rupture. Fistulas or perianal abscesses may develop as a result of these wounds getting infected.

How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last?

The time it takes for hemorrhoids to heal can vary from person to person. Minor hemorrhoids often heal on their own within a few days or weeks. However, larger hemorrhoids may take months to heal completely.

Pregnant women may find that their hemorrhoids go away after giving birth, but for some, they may develop after childbirth. It is also possible for hemorrhoids to come back even after treatment.

What Causes Hemorrhoids to Return?

After recovering from hemorrhoids, it’s important to make some lifestyle and dietary adjustments to prevent them from coming back. Here are the common causes of hemorrhoid recurrence:

  • Pregnancy
  • Aging muscles
  • Obesity or being overweight
  • Straining during bowel movement
  • Anal intercourse
  • Overuse of laxatives or enemas
  • Chronic constipation and diarrhea
  • Lack of fiber in your diet
  • Sitting for prolonged periods on the toilet

Medical Way of Treating Hemorrhoids

It is important to seek medical attention for the treatment of thrombosed hemorrhoids or any other type of hemorrhoids, as there are various options available. Your doctor will perform tests and a diagnosis to confirm the presence of hemorrhoids.

Treatment options for hemorrhoids include:

  1. Rubber Band Ligation: This procedure involves placing a rubber band around the base of internal hemorrhoids to cut off blood flow. As a result, the hemorrhoids shrink and eventually fall off.
  2. Sclerotherapy: A medicated solution is injected into the hemorrhoids, causing them to shrink and disappear.
  3. Electrocoagulation: This technique uses an electric current to harden and remove the hemorrhoids.
  4. Laser or Infrared Coagulation: Light or electromagnetic radiation is used to dry up and fade internal hemorrhoids.

For severe or large hemorrhoids, advanced treatments may be recommended based on the type and severity of the condition.

  1. Hemorrhoidectomy: This surgical procedure involves making incisions to remove external or protruding hemorrhoids. It can be painful and may cause tenderness in the anal area.
  2. Hemorrhoidopexy: This procedure lifts the hemorrhoid into a ring of tissue using a suture, and a stapler is then used to remove the hemorrhoid by cutting off its blood supply. Unlike hemorrhoidectomy, no incisions are made in the anal area.
  3. DG-HAL (Doppler-guided hemorrhoid artery ligation): This technique uses ultrasound to identify the blood supply to the hemorrhoids. The blood supply is then cut off, causing the hemorrhoids to shrink.

Will a Thrombosed Hemorrhoid Go Away on Its Own?

In some cases, a thrombosed hemorrhoid can resolve on its own without treatment over a few weeks. Initially, the blood clot may cause pain, but with time, it may be naturally absorbed by the body and the pain will decrease. However, it is possible to use home remedies to alleviate the pain and manage symptoms. If the hemorrhoid is severe or causing significant discomfort, it is advisable to seek medical attention.


While it is possible to drain a thrombosed hemorrhoid yourself, it is not recommended due to potential complications. It is always best to consult a doctor for proper treatment. Home remedies can be helpful in managing pain and discomfort, but attempting to drain the hemorrhoid on your own is not recommended.


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