Does Sleeping Naked Increase Testosterone?

Does sleeping naked increase testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone that shapes male sexual traits. Hormones act as messengers for vital body changes. Even females make some testosterone, though less. For men, testosterone manages various functions like making sperm, sex drive, bone strength, muscle size, and red blood cells. Females also need testosterone for bone and breast health, sex drive, and menstrual and vaginal health. Low levels can cause tiredness, low libido, and osteoporosis in women. As we age, testosterone naturally decreases (about 1% per year after 30). Illness, alcohol, specific foods, and poor sleep can lower levels too.

Are you looking for a way to increase your testosterone level? Well, the good news is that You don’t need fancy pills or hormone therapy to maintain high testosterone levels. Getting enough good quality sleep can do that for you. Let’s explore how sleep and testosterone are linked.

How does sleep affect testosterone?

Our body’s natural rhythm boosts testosterone while we sleep. Research indicates that a lack of sleep can lead to lower testosterone production. Moreover, testosterone naturally decreases as men age, especially around 40. So, older men who don’t sleep well might experience a significant decline in testosterone levels.

As explained by Dr. Michael Breus, known as The Sleep Doctor, testosterone rises during sleep and decreases the longer you’re awake, with the highest production during REM sleep.

A University of Chicago study found that after a week of only 5 hours of sleep per night, testosterone levels dropped by 10–15 percent in participants.

To ensure enough sleep, practice healthy sleep habits. Develop a calming bedtime routine, avoid screens before bed, and limit alcohol and caffeine before sleeping. Regular exercise helps too, but not too close to bedtime as it might hinder relaxation.

Does sleeping naked increase testosterone?

Does sleeping naked increase testosterone?

Researchers have conducted several studies to explore the connection between sleeping temperature and testosterone levels. One study found that testosterone levels peaked in colder months, suggesting that lower temperatures might positively impact hormone production.

Another study investigated the influence of temperature on REM sleep and slow wave sleep (SWS). It revealed that heat exposure can affect sleep quality, while colder temperatures might improve it. Low testosterone levels have been linked to poor sleep, indicating that temperature plays a role.

A study on underwear choice’s impact on testosterone levels found that men who wore boxers had higher sperm concentrations compared to those in tight underwear.

These studies highlight the importance of maintaining a cool bedroom temperature for optimal testosterone levels. While sleeping in cooler temperatures or naked might be beneficial, more research is needed to determine the ideal temperature for testosterone production.

What are the effect of low testosterone level?

Here are some of the potential effects of low testosterone levels:

Reduced Libido

One of the most noticeable effects of low testosterone in both men and women is a decrease in sex drive or libido.

Erectile Dysfunction

In men, low testosterone levels can contribute to difficulty in achieving or maintaining erections, which can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Fatigue and Low Energy

Low testosterone levels may result in increased fatigue, reduced energy levels, and a general feeling of low motivation.

Muscle Loss and Weakness

Testosterone helps maintain muscle mass and strength. Low levels can lead to muscle loss and increased difficulty in building and maintaining muscle.

Increased Body Fat

Low testosterone levels can contribute to an increase in body fat, especially around the abdominal area.

Mood Changes

Testosterone is linked to mood regulation. Low levels can lead to mood swings, irritability, and even depression.

Decreased Bone Density

Testosterone helps maintain bone density. Low levels can increase the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.

Cognitive Changes

Some studies suggest a link between low testosterone levels and cognitive decline, including memory issues and difficulty concentrating.

Hair Loss

Testosterone is involved in hair growth, and low levels may contribute to hair thinning and loss, especially in men.

Changes in Menstrual Cycle

In women, low testosterone levels can lead to irregular menstrual cycles and other menstrual issues.


The idea of sleeping naked to boost testosterone levels has become popular. While some studies tentatively suggest a link between sleeping naked and testosterone production, more research is needed for a conclusive connection. Other factors like sleep quality, room temperature, and individual differences also play a role in hormone regulation during sleep.


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