How Do Amish People Deal With Periods and Menstruation?

Amish People

The Amish are a religious group known for their traditional and simple way of life, including how they handle menstruation. Each Amish community may have its unique approach, but there are common practices and beliefs.

This article will explore how the Amish deal with periods, including their views on menstruation, cultural practices, and use of products. We will also see how these practices align with their broader way of life and beliefs, and compare them to modern attitudes and practices regarding menstruation.

The Amish and Menstruation: Cultural Beliefs and Practices

The Amish follow a set of rules called the Ordnung, which guide their daily life, including religious practices and how they dress and use technology. These rules differ in each community and depend on factors like location, religion, and personal choice.

Modesty and simplicity are important values for the Amish. Amish women wear long skirts, dresses, and head coverings, reflecting their modesty. The community also takes a private and practical approach to menstruation. They view it as a natural bodily function and don’t feel ashamed or talk about it openly. Instead, women are taught to handle their periods discreetly, so they don’t cause any discomfort or inconvenience to others.

Modesty and Privacy

In Amish culture, modesty and privacy are very important, even when it comes to menstruation. Women are taught to be discreet about their periods and to dress modestly, usually wearing long dresses or skirts.

During their periods, women may take extra precautions to avoid staining their clothes. They might use longer pads or wear extra layers of clothing for protection.

To ensure privacy, women may have specific places in their homes or barns where they can rest and take care of their menstrual needs. This is seen as a practical way to maintain modesty and personal privacy, rather than something shameful or embarrassing.

Use of Products

The Amish value a simple and self-sufficient lifestyle, and this applies to the products they use, including during menstruation. Many Amish women choose to use reusable cloth pads or rags instead of disposable pads or tampons.

This choice aligns with their lifestyle by reducing waste and promoting self-sufficiency. Women may make their own cloth pads or buy them from someone in their community who specializes in making them.

Some Amish women also opt for menstrual cups, which are reusable and made of medical-grade silicone or rubber. These cups are inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual blood and can be washed and reused.

Avoidance of Certain Activities

During their periods, Amish women might avoid strenuous activities like heavy lifting or manual labor. They see this as a way to respect their bodies and give them rest during this time.

Some Amish women also choose not to swim or participate in water activities while menstruating because they believe it could lead to health issues. However, this practice may differ from one community or family to another.

Ritual Purification

Some Amish communities follow a ritual called “bundling and sweating” after a woman’s period. They wrap themselves in warm clothes and sit in a sauna or hot room to cleanse their bodies of impurities.

This practice is not the same for all Amish communities and can differ based on the group or family. Some may not find it necessary or useful, while others see it as essential for keeping their bodies pure and healthy.

Cultural Attitudes towards Menstruation

The Amish have a specific way of dealing with menstruation, influenced by their cultural beliefs in modesty and privacy. They view menstruation as a natural part of life but consider it a private matter not to be discussed openly.

Modesty and privacy are essential in Amish culture, even when it comes to menstruation. Women are taught to be discreet and ensure their periods do not inconvenience others.

Moreover, the Amish place significance on keeping their bodies pure and clean. Practices like bundling and sweating are believed to cleanse the body of impurities and maintain good health.

How Amish Practices Compare to Modern Attitudes and Practices

The Amish way of dealing with menstruation may be different from modern practices, but it offers some unique benefits. Using reusable cloth pads and menstrual cups aligns with the eco-friendly trend, reducing waste from disposable products.

The focus on bodily purity and cleanliness may promote overall health and well-being. However, there are also potential downsides, like limited access to medical care and information. This could lead to health issues related to menstruation, and the emphasis on privacy may make it hard for girls to discuss their experiences openly. Support and guidance from adults might be crucial during this time.

How do Amish people date?

Amish people practice a traditional form of dating called courtship, which involves formal expressions of interest in finding a life partner. Instead of individual dates, they often participate in group events and gatherings, like singings or frolics, to meet potential partners within their community. The process of courtship is taken seriously and is guided by Amish cultural values and religious beliefs.


In conclusion, the Amish approach to menstruation is based on their cultural values of modesty, privacy, and simplicity. They teach women to be discreet about their periods to avoid discomfort for others.

Using reusable cloth pads and menstrual cups aligns with the Amish commitment to sustainability and self-sufficiency. Practices like bundling and sweating reflect their belief in bodily purity and cleanliness.

While the Amish way may seem different from modern practices, it has benefits in terms of environmental sustainability and overall health. However, there are also potential drawbacks, such as limited access to medical care and education.

The Amish approach offers a unique perspective on menstruation, encouraging us to reflect on our own attitudes and practices around this natural function.


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