Malaria in Nigeria: Preventive tips and Treatment (2023)

Malaria in Nigeria

In Nigeria, the spread of malaria is a major public health concern. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Nigeria is one of the countries that suffers from a particularly high burden of malaria. It was anticipated that there were over 61 million cases of malaria in Nigeria in 2019, which accounted for approximately one third of all cases of malaria reported in the African area.

Malaria is transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. It is an illness that is both preventable and treatable, but if it is not recognized and treated as soon as possible, it can be fatal. Malaria can cause a number of different symptoms, including fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, and fatigue.

The government of Nigeria has taken several steps to reduce the spread of malaria throughout the country and has instituted a number of preventative measures. The distribution of bed nets coated with insecticide, the provision of swift diagnostic testing and antimalarial medications, and the encouragement of the use of insect repellents are all included in these preventative measures.

It is essential for individuals to protect themselves from malaria by taking measures such as applying insect repellents, wearing long sleeves and pants, and sleeping under bed nets sprayed with insecticide. It is important that you get medical treatment as soon as you can if you have any reason to believe that you may have been infected with malaria.

Malaria Preventive Tips in Nigeria

Malaria is a serious health issue in Nigeria, and it is important to take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from this preventable and treatable disease. Here are some tips to prevent malaria in Nigeria:

  1. Keep your environment clean: Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so it is important to eliminate any sources of standing water around your home. This includes emptying containers that hold water, such as flower pots, buckets, and tires.
  2. Always wear long sleeves: Mosquitoes are more likely to bite exposed skin, so wearing long sleeves and pants can help reduce your risk of getting bitten.
  3. Sleep under an insecticide-treated bed net: Bed nets treated with insecticides provide an extra layer of protection against mosquitoes, especially when sleeping.
  4. Use insect repellents: Insect repellents can help keep mosquitoes at bay and reduce the risk of getting bitten. Use a repellent that contains DEET, picaridin, or IR3535, as these are effective at preventing mosquito bites.
  5. Use air conditioning: Mosquitoes are less likely to enter homes that are air-conditioned, so using air conditioning can help reduce your risk of getting bitten.
  6. Get vaccinated: There are currently no vaccines available to prevent malaria in nigeria, but there are vaccines in development. Keep an eye out for updates on the availability of vaccines and consider getting vaccinated if one becomes available.
  7. Seek medical treatment: If you think you may have been infected with malaria, it is important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent complications and save lives.

By following these tips, you can help protect yourself and your loved ones from malaria and reduce the transmission of this disease in Nigeria.

Malaria in Nigeria

Treatment Options

Malaria is a disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected mosquitoes. It is a major health concern in Nigeria, as it is one of the leading causes of illness and death in the country.

There are several ways to prevent and treat malaria in Nigeria. Some of the measures that can be taken to prevent the disease include using insect repellents, wearing long-sleeved clothing and pants, and sleeping under mosquito nets. It is also important to take precautions when traveling to areas where malaria is prevalent, such as using antimalarial medication and avoiding mosquito bites.

If you suspect that you have malaria, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. The main treatment for malaria is antimalarial medication, which can be taken as a pill or injection. The type of medication and the duration of treatment will depend on the severity of the infection and the specific type of parasite causing the infection.

In addition to antimalarial medication, other treatments may be recommended to help manage symptoms and reduce the risk of complications. These may include medications to reduce fever and pain, as well as fluids and electrolytes to prevent dehydration.

It is important to follow the treatment plan recommended by your healthcare provider and to complete the full course of medication as prescribed, even if you start feeling better. This will help ensure that the infection is fully cleared and prevent the risk of relapse.

Malaria Drugs in Nigeria

There are several types of antimalarial medications that can be used to treat malaria, including:

  1. Chloroquine: This is a medication that has been used to treat malaria for many years. It is effective against some types of malaria, but resistance to the medication has developed in some areas, including parts of Nigeria.
  2. Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs): These medications contain artemisinin, which is derived from a plant called Artemisia annua, and are combined with other medications to increase their effectiveness. ACTs are currently the recommended first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria in Nigeria and are highly effective against most types of malaria parasites.
  3. Mefloquine: This medication is effective against a wide range of malaria parasites and is often used as an alternative to chloroquine in areas where resistance to the medication has developed.
  4. Primaquine: This medication is used to treat a specific type of malaria called Plasmodium vivax, which can cause relapses if not fully treated. Primaquine is usually given after the initial treatment with another antimalarial medication to prevent relapses.


Preventing malaria is important for the health and well-being of the Nigerians. As one of the leading causes of illness and death in the country, malaria has a significant impact on the health and economic development of Nigeria.

By preventing the disease, we can reduce the number of people who get sick and the number of deaths caused by the disease, and also help to improve economic development by reducing the burden of illness and the costs associated with it. In addition, preventing malaria can help to promote overall health and well-being in Nigeria by reducing the risk of illness and the burden of disease, leading to improved quality of life and productivity for individuals and communities.

Therefore, it is important for the people of Nigeria to take steps to prevent malaria, such as using insect repellents, wearing long-sleeved clothing and pants, and sleeping under mosquito nets, and to take precautions when traveling to areas where malaria is prevalent, such as using antimalarial medication and avoiding mosquito bites.


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