Milo: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Ingredients

Health Benefits of Milo

Milo is a yummy mix of chocolate and malt. People usually blend it with hot milk or water to make a tasty drink. People in places like Oceania, South America, the West Indies, Southeast Asia, and parts of Africa really enjoy it. Nestlé is the company that makes Milo, and it all started in Australia back in 1934 when Thomas Mayne came up with the idea.

You usually find Milo as a powder in a green tin, often showing people playing sports. But in some places, you can buy it already mixed and ready to drink. And guess what? Milo has become more than just a drink! It’s also turned into snack bars, breakfast cereal, and protein granola.

Even though Milo might taste a bit different depending on where you are, it usually has four main ingredients: malt barley, milk powder, sugar, and cocoa. Plus, there are eight vitamins and minerals added to make it even better for you.

Nutritional Values of Milo

In every 100 grams of Milo powder, there are about 402 calories, or 1,680 kilojoules. These calories mostly come from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are like the body’s fuel for energy, and that’s why Milo is often seen as an energy-boosting drink. The biggest part of these carbs is sugar.

When you mix Milo with water, it has something called a Glycemic Index (GI) of 55. This number tells us how quickly the carbs in Milo affect your blood sugar. Just to compare, Coca-Cola has a GI of 63, so Milo is a bit lower. But, when you mix Milo with milk, the overall GI is even lower—around 33—because milk has a much lower GI.

If you look at the Milo website, they say this drink has a lot of good stuff like calcium, iron, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12. They also mention something called “Actigen-E,” but that’s just a special name Nestlé gives to the vitamins they put in Milo. Oh, and by the way, Milo also has a bit of theobromine, which is kind of like caffeine. It comes from the cocoa used in making Milo.

Health Benefits of Milo

Health Benefits of Milo

Milo is often promoted as a drink that’s great for sports because it’s packed with energy. In every 100 grams of Milo powder, there are about 402 calories, mostly coming from carbohydrates. Carbs are like the body’s fuel, giving it the energy it needs to work and carry out its functions. The body really needs a lot of carbs to stay active.

Loaded with B Vitamins

Milo is like a little bundle of vitamins: B1, B2, B6, and B12. These B vitamins are super important for keeping our bodies healthy and working well. They’re like the building blocks for a fit body, and they affect things like how energetic we feel, how our brains work, and how our cells do their jobs. B vitamins also help protect us from infections, keep our cells healthy, and even guard against stuff like anemia and certain DNA changes that could lead to cancer.

Boosts Immunity

Milo is like a superhero for your endurance and immune system. It’s full of vitamins that help your body stay strong. Vitamin B-6, for example, helps make new red blood cells that carry oxygen around your body and also keeps your immune system tough. Another vitamin called biotin keeps your hair, nails, and nerves healthy. If you’re low on vitamin B12, you might get anemia, which can make you feel weak, tired, and dizzy.

Boosts Blood Production

Milo steps up to help your body get enough iron, which is crucial for transporting oxygen in your body. Iron is like a VIP for making blood. Most of it hangs out in red blood cells, making sure oxygen travels from your lungs to your tissues. Iron also helps with important stuff like energy, digestion, the immune system, and body temperature. Sometimes, we don’t realize how much we need iron until we’re not getting enough.

Gets Rid of Toxins

Milo, with its iron goodness, makes sure oxygen flows well in your body and helps kick out toxins and waste. When too much carbon dioxide builds up in your blood, it can mess up the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide, causing serious problems and even a lack of oxygen.

Builds Strong Bones

If you team up Milo with milk, you’re giving your body a double dose of calcium. Kids who have Milo with milk regularly usually have more calcium compared to those who only have plain milk. And guess what? Milo powder has even more calcium added to it. Mixing Milo with milk boosts the calcium in milk by 65%. So, it’s not too late to tell your teenager to have more dairy foods for strong bones. Especially in the teenage years, having enough calcium is super important.

Boosts Breathing and Heart Health

Milo has something called theobromine, which is like a helper for wakefulness, keeping blood pressure in check, and improving blood flow, mood, and how well we breathe. Theobromine is like a gentler, longer-lasting version of caffeine, with fewer not-so-great side effects.

Is Milo Safe for Pregnant Women?

Drinking Milo can be a good choice when you’re pregnant. It gives the important stuff your baby needs to grow well. You can start having it at any point during your pregnancy, but starting earlier is a good idea. Drinks with cocoa, like Milo, are usually okay to have when you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, as long as you don’t have too much. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on how much you’re having. Also, remember that caffeine is something to think about if you’re breastfeeding.

Potential Side Effects of Milo

While Milo offers important nutrients to your body, it’s important to be aware of potential effects that might come with consuming it:

Even though it can boost your energy, help you stay attentive, and improve your focus, many health experts and nutritionists nowadays see health drinks with lots of sugar as not so great for your health in the long run. These experts believe that the quick burst of energy from all the sugar might give you a short-term boost, but as time goes on, you could end up feeling tired and lacking in energy. Also, these sugary drinks could lead to dehydration. They might also harm your teeth, especially in kids, because they contain a lot of chocolate and sugar, which could cause cavities and tooth problems. Additionally, something called theobromine in Milo can be harmful to animals.

Frequent Asked Questions

Is drinking Milo healthy? Drinking Milo can be okay in moderation, but it’s best not to have too much due to its sugar content.

Is Milo a Nigerian product? No, Milo is not originally from Nigeria. It’s made by Nestlé and was developed in Australia.

What does Milo do in the body? Milo provides energy and nutrients, but having too much sugar might not be great for long-term health.

What is the price of Milo in Nigeria? Prices can vary, but Milo in Nigeria is usually affordable and the price ranges from 1,500 naira to 2,000 naira.

How much is MILO 1kg refill in Nigeria? Prices can change, but a 1kg refill of Milo in Nigeria is generally reasonably priced.

Who is the owner of MILO company in Nigeria? The owner of the Milo brand is Nestlé, a multinational company.

Which country founded MILO? Milo was founded in Australia.

How old is MILO in Nigeria? The specific introduction date in Nigeria might vary, but Milo has been around for many years.

What country owns MILO? Milo is owned by Nestlé, a Swiss company.

Why is it called MILO? The name “Milo” was chosen for the product; it’s not clear exactly why.

Which country is the biggest consumer of MILO? Many countries enjoy Milo, but it’s especially popular in Australia, Malaysia, and some African countries.

Which country consumes the most MILO? Australia and Malaysia are known for consuming a lot of Milo.

What is MILO called in English? Milo is its English name.

What is the English name for MILO? The English name for Milo is also “Milo.”

Is MILO an African drink? While Milo is enjoyed in Africa, it was originally developed in Australia.

When was MILO invented in Nigeria? Milo was first launched in Nigeria in the 1960s

Is MILO chocolate or malt? Milo is a mix of both chocolate and malt flavors.

Where is Ovaltine from? Ovaltine originated in Switzerland.


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