Sharp Stabbing Pain on the Right Side After C-Section

Young woman suffering from abdominal pain while sitting on bed a

After a c-section, feeling sharp stabbing pain on the right side can have many causes. The most frequent cause is an incisional hernia, where part of the intestine bulges through the abdominal wall near the incision site. Other issues that can lead to this pain include injury to the ilioinguinal nerve, abdominal adhesions, internal infection, and nerve damage resulting from the surgery.

Common causes of Sharp Stabbing Pain on the Right Side After C-Section

Incisional hernia

Incisional hernia picture

An incisional hernia is a bulge that appears at the site of a previous abdominal c-section. After a c-section, the area where the incision was made can become weak, causing organs or tissues to poke through and form a lump under the skin. This bulge is the hernia.

Factors like obesity, heavy lifting, or chronic coughing can increase the risk of developing an incisional hernia. If left untreated, it may lead to complications and discomfort. Treatment involves surgical repair to close the opening and strengthen the area. If you discover any indications or symptoms of an incisional hernia following your c-section, call your doctor right away for further examination and treatment.

Ilioinguinal nerve injury

The ilioinguinal nerve is a nerve in your lower back that travels through your abdomen and pelvis to reach the groin area. Its job is to provide sensation to the upper thigh, lower abdomen, and certain private parts.

Sometimes, this nerve can be affected during a c-section, leading to pain or discomfort in the areas it supplies. Damage to this nerve can result in sharp stabbing pain as well as numbness or tingling in that area. If you encounter any of these symptoms after a c-section, contact your doctor right away for further assessment and treatment.

Abdominal adhesions

Abdominal adhesions

Abdominal adhesions are bands of scar tissue that form inside the belly. They can happen after a c-section or inflammation. These bands can cause organs to stick together, leading to sharp stabbing pain in that area due to their constricting nature and discomfort. In some cases, they may even block the intestines, causing severe pain and vomiting. If you suffer any of these symptoms after a c-section, contact your doctor right away for further assessment and treatment.

Internal infection

Another possible cause of sharp stabbing pain on the right side after a c-section is an internal infection. Internal infection, also called systemic infection, happens inside the body, beyond the skin or mucous membranes. It occurs when harmful microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites get into the bloodstream or organs. Common symptoms include fever, fatigue, and pain in specific areas. Treatment involves using medicines like antibiotics to fight the infection.

Nerve damage resulting from the surgery

After a c-section delivery, some women may experience sharp stabbing pain on the right side. This pain can be caused by nerve damage that happened during the surgery. Improper handling of nerves or incorrect positioning during recovery can lead to pinched nerves in that area, causing severe discomfort, especially when touched or moved in certain ways.

If you notice such symptoms after a c-section, it’s important to reach out to your doctor right away. They can evaluate the situation and provide appropriate treatment to address the nerve damage and alleviate the pain. Prompt medical attention is essential for a smooth recovery and to ensure your well-being after childbirth.

Are there treatment options for Sharp Stabbing Pain on the Right Side After C-Section?

Here are some possible treatment options for Sharp Stabbing Pain on the Right Side After C-Section:

  • Medications: Your doctor may suggest over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribe medications to manage the pain. e.g., ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and gabapentin.
  • Rest and Gentle Movement: Resting and avoiding activities that worsen the pain can help, but gentle movement and light exercises may also aid in healing.
  • Physical Therapy: Working with a physical therapist can improve muscle strength and flexibility, reducing pressure on the nerves.
  • Avoid Triggering Movements: Identify movements that worsen the pain and avoid them to prevent further irritation
  • Heat or Ice Packs: Applying heat or ice packs to the area can reduce inflammation and provide relief.
  • Correcting Posture: Improving your posture can reduce pressure on the affected area and minimize pain.
  • Nerve Desensitization Techniques: Some may benefit from techniques to reduce nerve sensitivity performed by a physical therapist.

If the pain persists or becomes severe, seek medical attention promptly.

In Conclusion

It’s quite common to experience sharp stabbing pain on the right side after a c-section delivery. The good news is that there are various treatments to help ease these painful symptoms. If you have ongoing pain after the surgery, don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor right away. They can identify the cause of the pain and suggest suitable treatment options to provide relief. Prompt medical attention is crucial for a smoother recovery and to address any discomfort you may be experiencing.


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