Do Tums Help With Nausea?

Do Tums Help With Nausea

Nausea, often described as a discomfort in the upper abdomen along with an inclination to vomit, is a commonly experienced sensation. It can be attributed to various causes, including medication side effects, underlying diseases, or specific disorders. Additionally, the consumption of large, fatty, or sugary meals can also trigger feelings of nausea.

The reasons behind nausea can range from less severe conditions like motion sickness to more serious underlying pathologies such as liver infection caused by the hepatitis virus.

What is Tums?

Do Tums Help With Nausea

An over-the-counter antacid called Tums is frequently used to treat acid reflux, indigestion, and heartburn. It has an active component called calcium carbonate, which reduces the discomfort and burning sensation brought on by these digestive problems by neutralizing excess stomach acid.

How Does Tums Work?

Tums work by inhibiting the activity of an enzyme responsible for the production of stomach acid called pepsin. By neutralizing the acid and reducing its production, tums help alleviate the discomfort associated with digestive issues.

Do Tums Help With Nausea?

Determining whether Tums can effectively alleviate nausea is not a straightforward answer. Nausea can arise from various causes, and while Tums can provide relief for certain types of nausea, it may not be beneficial or could potentially exacerbate other forms of nausea.

To gain a better understanding of Tums’ impact on nausea, let’s delve into the effects of Tums and its relationship with specific types of nausea.

Do Tums Help Nausea During Pregnancy?

While Tums cannot completely eliminate your nausea or morning sickness, it can provide some relief in certain situations. It’s important to understand that Tums doesn’t directly target or eliminate nausea itself, but rather addresses the underlying issue of stomach acidity, which can sometimes exacerbate morning sickness.

Do Tums Help With Alcohol Nausea?

Hangovers are undoubtedly unpleasant, with their combination of pounding headaches and nauseating sensations. Waking up after a night of revelry can feel like being hit by a bus, and the addition of nausea only amplifies the misery.

Naturally, when faced with such discomfort, one seeks out remedies to alleviate the symptoms. So, the question arises: Can Tums help with alcohol-induced nausea? The good news is that Tums can provide some relief from nausea caused by alcohol, albeit to a certain extent.

When alcohol is consumed, it can stimulate the release of stomach acid. This excess acid production can exacerbate feelings of nausea. Tums, being an antacid, has the ability to neutralize this excessive acid, thereby potentially easing the sensation of nausea. In this context, taking Tums for alcohol-induced nausea may offer some respite.

Do Tums Help With Car Sickness?

Motion sickness is not primarily caused by the acid in your stomach, making Tums less effective in addressing this specific issue.

Motion sickness occurs due to disturbances in the vestibular system, which is responsible for maintaining balance in your body. When you’re in a moving vehicle or on a boat, this system sends irregular signals to your brain, leading to a state of confusion and triggering nausea.

In this case, Tums have limited relevance. It’s advisable to explore alternative treatments specifically designed for motion sickness. These treatments often involve medications belonging to different classes such as antihistamines, antimuscarinics, and others.

Consulting a doctor is the best course of action to determine the most suitable medication for your needs.

Common Causes of Nausea

Nausea can be triggered by various factors, as there are multiple potential causes for this discomfort. Some of the common triggers of nausea include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Eating disorders
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Migraine
  • Motion sickness
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Viral infections like influenza (flu) or norovirus (stomach flu)
  • Phobias
  • Food poisoning
  • Gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Certain medications like hormonal contraceptives or beta-blockers
  • Inner ear issues like labyrinthitis or vestibular neuritis

What Else Can Help With Nausea?

When aiming to manage nausea, there are several strategies you can try:

  1. Opt for clear or ice-cold beverages: Drinking clear fluids or chilled drinks can help soothe your stomach and alleviate nausea.
  2. Consume light, bland foods: Stick to easily digestible foods like saltine crackers or plain bread, which are gentle on the stomach and can provide relief from nausea.
  3. Steer clear of fried, greasy, or overly sweet foods: These types of foods can be harder to digest and may exacerbate feelings of nausea. It’s best to avoid them when you’re experiencing discomfort.
  4. Eat slowly and have smaller, frequent meals: Eating at a slow pace and opting for smaller, more frequent meals can help prevent overwhelming your digestive system, making it easier for your body to tolerate food without triggering nausea.
  5. Avoid mixing hot and cold foods: Consuming hot and cold foods together can sometimes upset the stomach. It’s advisable to stick to one temperature at a time to minimize the risk of experiencing nausea.
  6. Sip beverages slowly: Rather than drinking fluids quickly, take small sips and pace yourself. This approach can be more gentle on your stomach and may help alleviate nausea symptoms.
  7. Avoid engaging in activity immediately after eating: Resting or refraining from vigorous activity after a meal can aid digestion and reduce the likelihood of experiencing nausea.
  8. Refrain from brushing your teeth immediately after eating: Brushing your teeth immediately after a meal can sometimes trigger nausea, especially if you have a sensitive gag reflex. It’s advisable to wait for a short while before brushing your teeth.
  9. Strive for a balanced diet: As much as possible, try to incorporate foods from all the food groups that you can tolerate. This approach ensures you receive adequate nutrition while managing your nausea symptoms.


Now that you have an understanding of whether Tums can help with nausea, it’s important to keep in mind that their effectiveness may vary from person to person. While Tums can provide relief for some individuals experiencing nausea, it’s always advisable to consult with your doctor if you frequently experience this symptom.


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